How could you ?

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Emma's P.O.V

When I came out of the bathroom I saw the most horrible thing ever my heart broke into a million pieces it was jax kissing......SKYLAR

Jax's P.O.V

Before emma went into the restroom we alwere looking at yearbook then she left all of a sudden Skylar popped up

Skylar P.O.V

I was spying on Emma and jax she went in the bathroom so I went over to jax and we were looking at a yearbook then I heard a doorknob turn so I grabbed the yearbook say on jax lap grabbed his hands put them on my waist and kissed him until

Jax P.O.V

"Jax" I heard emma scream "emma I know it looks bad but it's not" I said "your my boyfriend and now your kissing my bestfriend" she said "she kissed me I swear emma" I told her "yeah and she put your hands on her waist" she replied "yes she did" I said "Your still holding her hand that's it were done I never thought you'dhurt Me like this" sh said I could hear her voice crack she started running away "emma wait" I screamed so I sat on the bench crying Skylar was still here but that didn't matter I needed emma back.

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