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Mayroong 13 pang mga libreng parte


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TAKING CARE of other people was the hardest of jobs, but for Cloud Sebastian Beaumont, it was just a piece of cake. He had been a butler of Count Knight since he was 14, he had long perfected the art of serving people as part of his job.

Though taking care of others was a piece of cake for him, but being with Count Knight 24/7 was more than he could handle.

His boss was like a ball of craziness. He can't predict what he'll do next. He can't tell if he's just playing crazy or he's really crazy in the head. Though, his craziness aside, Count Knight was really a good person. He's misunderstood most of the time because he doesn't like taking credits over something he'd done, especially the good ones, but he's the most caring man he has ever met.

Maybe that's the reason why he stuck around as his butler. He wanted to take care and support this crazy man who likes doing good deeds secretly.

Through the years of serving Count Knight, Cloud understood one thing, his master was a scarred lonely man. He had been through too much, had seen so much and had felt so much. He suffered with him, fought with him and survived with him ... that's why seeing his master happy was Cloud's first priority.

Years had passed since he made a vow to protect his master's happiness, and it finally came — her name was Sweet Monday Canja Lopez — the nicest woman Cloud has ever met.

Seeing his master happy with Lady SM made him promise to also take good care of the lady. But what he didn't see was that Lady SM has one heavy baggage on her, her very own butler, Jacques Sotelo, a pompous spoiled ass rotten Marquess, who doesn't act like a butler at all.

So now, he has to take care of three people. His crazy master, his master's lady, and ... the annoying bossy Marquess, Lord Jacques.

Taking care of three people at once, Cloud can handle, but taking care of the pompous bossy Marquess, he has never felt so drained In his life.

Just like today ... his patience was wearing thin. Count Knight and Lady SM were outside, on a date, maybe? Or in the café. Who knows? And he was left with the Marquess in the house.

Cloud has to play nice. He's a Marquess after all. Kailangang pakisamahan niya ito ng maayos. The Marquess can affect Lady SM because she's too nice and if Lady SM was affected, then his Lord will be affected as well.

But he never thought that playing nice could be this hard.

"I don't know how..." this was Lord Jacques' favorite words, and It's so annoying to hear, especially when he said it with bossiness.

Though Cloud knew that being annoyed with this spoiled rotten Marquess won't do him any good.

So Cloud took a deep breath, he calmed himself by exhaling softly, then he asked, "you don't know how to unwrap a shrimp?"

Lord Jacques shook his head. "They're already unwrapped when served to me." He looked at the shrimp like it holds the secret of the universe. "How do you do it?" Slowly, the Marquess picked up one shrimp then held it close to his face, studying it, "wow... so many legs." The Marquess, then, looked up at Cloud, "how do you eat this thing?"

Cloud could explain to this spoiled Marquess step by step but decided not to, because this pompous Marquess will never understand any of it and it'll only drain him.

So he just silently unwrapped all the shrimp for him and put one unwrapped shrimp on the Marquess' plate.

"Eat it."

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