Wattpad Original
Mayroong 9 pang mga libreng parte


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"...EARTH to Cloud."

Cloud blinked before looking at the owner of that voice. It was Lord Knight. Magkasalubong ang kilay nito habang nakatingin sa kaniya. Siya naman ay tumaas ang dalawang kilay habang nagtatanong ang mga matang tumingin dito.

"Yes, my Lord?"

Lord Knight was eyeing him suspiciously as he took a seat on one of the stool near the island counter. "Kanina pa kita tinatawag, hindi ka sumasagot. Nakatulala ka lang na parang baliw. What's up with you?"

Cloud blinked then slightly shook his head. "It's nothing."

"Don't use that on me, Cloud." Tiningnan siya nito ng matiim. "You've been my Butler for more than a decade already. I know something's bothering you when you're like this. Come on, tell your boss, which is me by the way."

Napailing siya. "It's nothing—"

"Hindi kita tatantanan."

Mahina siyang natawa. "You have to go to work, my Lord. Lady SM and Lord Jacques already left for work."

"Nah. I can cancel that."

Napailing ulit siya. "It's really nothing."

Bumuntong-hininga ang boss niya saka pinakatitigan siya. "Cloud, hindi ikaw ang tipo ng tao na mahilig makipag-usap sa hangin. That'll be Shun because he's a weird ass dude, so just tell me what's bothering so I can go to work."

Napabuntong-hininga si Cloud. His lord was a persistent motherfucker. Sigurado siyang hindi siya nito tatantanan. "Well ... I did something that I normally don't do. And I have a question to you."

Maybe his crazy boss can help him.

"What?" The Count gave him all his attention while waiting for his question.

"Have you...ahm," Cloud cleared his throat, "h-have you..." he couldn't say it!

"Have I what?"

Cloud took another deep breath and spoke hurriedly. "Have you sniffed someone's neck before?"

"Yeah." That was quick. "SM's."

"Ahm..." he rolled his tongue in between his lips, "sniffing a guy's neck, I mean."

That question would make anyone frown or grimaced but his lord didn't even bat an eyelash. Like it's nothing. "Nope. Never done that before and not doing it in the future. The only neck I'm interested in sniffing is my baby's."

Cloud let out a shaky breath while leaning on the sink. "This is bad..."

Lord Knight's eyes bored into his. "You sniffed a guy's neck?"

He nodded. "Good thing I stopped midway."

"Why did you sniff him?"

"He smells fucking good."

Pinakatitigan siya ng boss niya. "Cloud, kung hindi lang nakita ng mismong mga mata ko ang hilig mo sa babae na halos hindi ko na mabilang kung naka-ilang babae ka na, iba ang iisipin ko sa sinabi mo."

"Me too." He agreed before a loud breath. "I know for a fact that I like women. A lot. And I've never sniffed a guy before. This is fucking confusing me, my Lord. I actually leaned in to fucking smell him!"

Itinaas ng boss niya ang dalawa nitong kamay sa harapan nito. "Calm down, Cloud—"

"How the fuck do I calm down?!" Napasabunot siya sa sariling buhok. His mind was a mess and he feels so frustrated. "Kagabi pa magulo ang isip ko! At ngayon, hindi ko alam kung anong iisipin ko! Why does he have to smell so fucking good anyway?! He's a guy for fuck sake! And why the fuck do I like his smell?! Fuck it!"

JE T'AIMETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon