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CLOUD STOPPED sucking the lollipop in his mouth when he saw his lord walking towards him in the small pavilion inside the garden. Nang makapasok ito sa pavilion, hindi ito umupo, nanatili lang itong nakatayo habang pinagmamasdan siya.

"So..." his boss drawls before continuing with a teasing tone, "have you fantasized about him yet?"

Cloud took out the lollipop in his mouth and sighed. "It's getting worse. I wanna kiss him now." He looked at his boss before shaking his head in disbelief, "I don't think I can stop this. I'm trying, but I'm failing."

"Why do you wanna stop?"

Cloud at his boss incredulously. "You really have to ask, my lord?"

The Count shrugged. "I'm just curious." Then his lord explained. "I mean, this is your first time feeling this way, when I felt it with SM, I didn't hold back ... that's why I'm asking if you really wanna stop? You don't wanna know how it will go?"

Cloud's head hung low. "I don't know." Naaalala pa niya ang kaguluhang naramdaman ng magising ulit siya sa kuwarto ng Marquess ilang araw na ang nakakaraan. Only with his boxers on. Shock was an understatement of his life that morning. "I'm confused. I don't know what to do."

"Do you want advice from me?"

Napatitig siya sa boss niya. His lord might be crazy most of the times but he's the most earnest man he knows. "Yes, my Lord."

"You can't accept the fact that you like a man that's why you don't know what to do." Panimula ng boss niya. "That's the root of your problem and it confuses you because in your mind, you're only allowed to like women. All your life, you always prefer women, and now, fate played a trick on you. But it's your decision if you wanna accept the changes in you or not, but let me tell you this and listen to me very well— liking a man doesn't make you less of a person, Cloud. For me, whomever you like, you're still you and nothing can change that."

Napangiti si Cloud sa tinuran ng boss niya saka ipinasok ulit ang lollipop sa bibig. "I actually went to a gay club last night, after we got home from the Grocery and the Mall." Pagkuwento niya saka mahinang natawa. "I was investigating myself. I'm confused as fuck and I want answers."

"Did you get your answers?" Tanong ng Conde.

Cloud blows a loud breath. "There are a lot of good looking guys there, but, I didn't feel it. I mean, I'm not attracted to them, my Lord." Napailing ulit siya saka bumuga ng marahas na hininga. "Only one person can make me feel that way."

Bumuntong-hininga ang Conde saka lumapit sa kaniya para tapikin ang balikat niya. "As I told you before, don't overthink. Just let things unfold. Because the more you repressed it, the more it'll come out."

"I'm trying, but it's really hard wrapping my head around it."

The Count messed his hair, it was the first time The Count did that to him. "I'm just here, Cloud, not as your boss, but as a friend and a family and whatever you decide, I'll support you. Whatever your sexuality maybe, I don't give a fuck. You're Cloud, my Butler. Nothing in this world can change that."

He slightly bows his head. "Thank you, my Lord, for not judging me."

His lord snorted. "Who am I to judge? It's your feelings and there's nothing wrong with it anyway." Then the Count tapped his shoulder again. "Basta kapag gusto mo ng kausap, nandito lang ako. But make sure that I'm not in my crazy weird ass mood — which is," The Count frowned at himself, "most of the time, so ... beware."

Mahina siyang natawa sa baliw niyang boss. Kapagkuwan ay nagsalubong ang kilay niya ng makitang nakakunot ang nuo nito sa kaniya.

"What?" Cloud inquired at his boss.

JE T'AIMETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon