"training" with the bats

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Once Damian was in the training room he looked in awe at all the equipment. "Holy crap this is better that the Batcave"

"That's because it's a whole league of heroes, not a family" Talia said making her way over to the fighting ring. "I don't know about you but I'm all stretched out from fighting toy master, shall we spar?" Talia asked.

"Spar, hmm I'd like to spend time with Damian too" Bruce says standing opposite his fiancé.

"And how are we meant to spend time with Damian when we are to spar so which parent would you like to spar Damian or shall we do a three way one? They are always my favourite" Talia asked.

"I do like a challenge," Damian said, stretching his legs. "How about a three way one? Though those always end up with you ganging up on me and NOT fighting." He said huffing.

"Untrue" "what no" Damian's parents both said.

Damian laughed as he lunged at his father knocking him down.

Bruce fell to the floor with a thud and Talia walked over smiling, twirling a bow staff in her fingers.

Damian gets on top of Bruce to throw a punch in his face but Bruce catches both of Damians wrists and puts him in a headlock. "HEY" Damian screams. Talia laughs as he bends down to pet her son's hair. "there there" she says. Bruce laughs as he starts to tickle Damian. "NOOOO TICKLING IS NOT TRAINING" Damian screams as he laughs. Batman, Black Canary Flash and Superman enter the training room confused to all the noise they could hear outside. They look at the scene in front of them. Damian being held down by his parents tickling him.


Talia and Bruce both stop tickling him giving Damian a chance to do a back handspring off the ground, land on his feet and run over behind Batman. "Protect me from those tickling buffoons," Damian said. Batman looks down at Damian with a raised eyebrow. "We haven't seen you in a while, we want to spend time with you" Talia said, giving an evil smirk.

"She'll destroy you given the chance but will happily tickle her son to death then needs to run statistics so it'll be done about the time we get back from infinity island. We could probably start building the machine then." Flash replied.

"You wouldn't like to see your brothers and sisters?" Talia asked placing the bow staff back on the rack.

"Yes, but what about my pets they're the ones that need constant care, not my siblings." Damian says.

"At least we can trust your pets to not burn down the Manor and not kill each other. Wait.. isn't Alfred out of town?" Bruce asks.

Talia and Bruce both look at each other worriedly. "I do hope you have a backup house" Damian said snickering.

Superman snickered looking at Batman. "You know for a big bad superhero you sure can't control your kids." Superman laughed.

"You try controlling 9 out of control hyperactive children." Bruce said.

"How hard can it be?" Black canary Asked.

"Each child needs different... Care. They all have they're ways of having fun, some actual fun or some flat out dangerous ways of having fun." Bruce said, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"More like they're all flat out dangerous when left to their own devices" Talia said poking her fiancé.

Damian scowled at both his parents. "I'm right here" Damian growled.

"Yes we know you are but you have to agree with us on this one." Bruce said.

Damian nodded his head. 

"So, when are we leaving?" Damian asked.

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