What if that's all that they needed to be?

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     Kara couldn't believe she was flying by his side again. That one activity which she claimed to calm her nerves, free her mind, soothe her body... she was sharing it all with him, at last.

     Despite the naturally relaxing scenario, there was a churning sensation in the pit of her stomach. She was so worried. What if her insecurities were projected on the baby? What if she did it all wrong? What if she ended up letting Mon-El down?

     Facing the door, Mon-El grabbed her hand, just as he was about to knock.

     "Hey," he called, giving her hand a soft squeeze. "Regardless of what happened, we'll be here for you. You'll tell us all about it, and then we'll make a mess trying to cheer you up. Lots of food. Ice cream. Definitely a lot of babbling. You'll feel immediately better, trust me."

     Kara smiled, feeling hope grow within her being.

     "You're a goofus. Bet you're an amazing dad," she whispered the last part, making him wonder inwardly what had really happened. He definitely had seen a lot, but that was strange.
Disregarding his train of thought, the man stood besides his wife, eyeing her, smiling dumbly in an awkward about-to-knock stance. She chuckled, motioning with her head for him to proceed.

     Winn answered the door, a bright energy adorning his eyes. Kara had to control herself not to hug him too tightly, but she still held on for a little bit longer than what was expected. He told them their girl was asleep, pointing towards the baby wrapped like a burrito on the couch.

     Kara's eyes shone. Her stomach jumped. It was all too... sureal. Her daughter looked adorable. If anyone had asked her, she would've said her child resembled her husband a lot. She could see it in her features, and couldn't be happier with it. She had always heard motherhood was the most life changing experience a woman could go through. Right there, in the middle of Winn's living room, she could feel the solid pull toward a new, exhilarating  phase. She hoped it would last forever, and if she was brought a thousandth of the overwhelming joy she felt at that exact time, she bore no doubt she'd be happy forever.

     Due to her inability of undertaking any movement, Kara stood nervously tapping her foot on the ground.

     There was some carefree chatting, mostly between both of the men, who were certainly much more comfortable. When he felt like it was time, Mon-El moved to the couch and carefully lifted the baby, all her blankets coming along.

     And so they left. Mon-El holding the baby with both his arms, her little head leaning on his shoulder, nose bumping against his neck. Kara still wordless, looking between both of them with anxious, yet curious eyes.

     They made it to their loft without waking the baby, who Mon-El took with him somewhere inside, leaving Kara to her thoughts. Had they built a nursery together? What did it look like?

     Mon-El was back in no time, having changed into a more comfortable apparel and walking her way with a soft, though serious expression.

    "She's safely tucked in. We can finally clear the air now," he said. Kara closed her hands together, staring into his eyes.

    "Let me just change out of these clothes as well," he nodded. As she got to her bedroom, she let out a shaky breath, standing still for a few moments. It would be okay. They were ready for this, and would get through it together.


     "So..." Kara, started, not looking into his eyes. She didn't really know where to begin. She ran her hands through her hair, attempting to find the right words.

What if it's us and only us? And what came before won't count anymore or matter?Where stories live. Discover now