Memory 25

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I watch, wide eyed, as the gnomes prostrate themselves before me. I don't know why they do it, nor do I care. I'm just glad they're no longer planning on killing us.

From what I understand, the small beings are like living, breathing mood rings, which means their current rosy complexion indicates a high level of affection. In other words, they're in love with me.

Of all the small humanoids present, only one remains upright. The orange-haired gnome stands less than a metre away, staring at me.

"What are you—" I begin, but the question dies in my throat when I notice how tall the once tiny being seems. He looks no different than he did before I had my seizure, yet he's now as tall as me. The other gnomes also appear to have grown. Even my surroundings seem to have expanded. It's not until I glance at Kara that it finally hits me.

She's huge. So is Jonn. Either they grew, along with everything else around me, or—

"You shrunk!" says Jonn.


I don't want to believe it, but the transformation is impossible to deny. Not only am I a mere half metre tall, but my once pasty complexion has grown black, matching the small gnome's skin. This, coupled with the carrot-like colour of my nails proves I did more than shrink.

I replicated the small gnome's appearance.

It takes a few seconds, but I finally lose it. I struggle against my restraints, which are now loose. Within seconds I'm hopelessly tangled, and I have no choice but to stop squirming.

"You can shift?" says Kara.


"Replicating another person's appearance."

"Why didn't you tell us?" asks Jonn.

I shoot him an angry look.

"I didn't know."

There's a moment of silence before Kara speaks again.

"It's a good thing that didn't happen while you were in Atlantis."


"Avalon can shift," she explains. "If you had shifted, proving you aren't working with her would have been impossible."

She's right. Not that it matters. Who cares if Avalon can shift? All I care about right now is finding a way to reverse the effects of whatever it is that caused me to shift.

"What should I do?" I ask. "Someone tell me what to do."

"Take advantage of the situation," says Jonn.

I don't understand what he means until I realize the gnomes are still prostrate. Even the small being whose appearance I duplicated has dropped to the ground. Seeing me shift must have convinced them I'm some sort of god. While ridiculous, the unexpected turn of events may well be our salvation.

Time to put my language abilities to the test.

I start with something simple.


Nothing happens.

"Try again," urges Kara.


Still nothing.

"Again," says Jonn.

"Stand." This time I put all of my energy into it. At first, nothing happens, but then the orange-haired gnome stands. Moments later, the others follow. Before long, every last one of the small humanoids is standing.

I glance at my companions. Kara is beaming. Even Jonn seems impressed.

"Tell them to release us," he says.

"Release us," I say. Immediately, the smallest of the gnomes hurries over to the priest and snatches the knife from his hands. Moments later, he's slicing my restraints.

I'm free.

I can't believe it worked, but I refuse to let my incredulity ruin what may well be our only chance of surviving.

"Can I have it?" I ask, nodding to the knife. My twin doesn't seem to understand my words, but he correctly interprets my nod and hands me the weapon. I grab it and hurry over to Kara.

It's not until I'm standing next to her that I realize how tiny I am. The top of my head reaches no higher than halfway up her thigh. I feel inadequate, but I refuse to let that stop me. I slice through Kara's bonds. I can only reach the bottom half of the restraints, but the highest one frees her hands, which allows her to take possession of the knife and use it to free herself. Moments later, she's cutting her father loose.

"What now?" I ask once we're all free.

My friends don't answer. Instead, they just stand there, staring at me.

"What—" I begin, but I fall silent when I realize what's happening.

I'm growing.

My limbs lengthen, and the colour of my skin reverts to its original shade. Within seconds, I'm me again. The shift was quick and painless, something I'm both surprised by and grateful for. But most of all, I'm just happy to be me again.

No one speaks for the longest time. My friends just stand there and stare at me.

"What now?" I ask, desperate to wipe the stunned looks from Kara and Jonn's faces. It seems to work because they're back to their old selves in a matter of seconds.

"I think it's time we get some answers," offers Kara. Jonn nods in agreement.

I turn to the gnomes.

"Can you take us to your leader?" I ask.

The priest falters for amoment, then gives me a broad smile and gestures for me to follow him. Momentslater, he's making his way down the stone steps. My friends and I hesitate fora moment, then follow.

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