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Yeonjun : « You finally woke up sweetie ! good morning » -warmly-
Yewon : « Good morning »-coldly- held her head and continued : « Uh my head is killing me !»
Yeonjun : « Maybe 'cuz you were drunk last night...-hesitated but said- Yewon ,i just wanted to tel... »
Yewon stopped him saying : «Yeonjun, i don't want to talk 'bout it . kay?»
Yeonjun : « But you keep putting the blame on me and ... »
Yewon : « PLEASE! next time can you tell a credible lie ?'cuz your words are screaming lies to me ... If you're gonna talk 'bout it again i'm calling the police . »
Yeonjun : « Are you serious ?! »
Yewon : « i'm leaving tonight »
Yeonjun : « No please , at least stay. »
Yewon : « You ruined everything by yourself ! »
Yeonjun : « Okay, i did . But please don't leave your own house. »
   Yewon then started crying and hid her face with her hands . Yeonjun got closer to hug her as those tears ripped his heart .
Yewon yelled : « Get away from me (while pushing him) we're this way because of you , we could've been happy now ! You should know you really broke my heart and trust. »
Yeonjun sadly said : « Yewon ... »
Yewon : « Get out ! GET OUT !! »
    <that night>
Yewon was going to her best friends house so she dressed and when she was 'bout to leave a voice stopped her .
Yeonjun : « Where are you going? »
Yewon : « Out of your business, & i'm coming late night ,don't wait for me. »
   <her best friends house>
Jisu : « So what happened?! »
Yewon : « Jisu , i really don't want to talk about it »
Jisu : « Noo... you promised you're telling me when we meet... come on! »
Yewon : « Please! it hurts me to talk about it! »
——————————————————————————— to be continued : ——————————————————
Hope you guys liked it ... stay tuned for the 2nd part .

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