Roomates (Part 2 lemon)

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Note - Bold italic text are thoughts.


Kakyoin and Jotaro cuddled together for a few minutes, but Kakyoin was eager to do something else with Jotaro. Kakyoin sat up and turned over to be on top of Jotaro.
"K-kakyoin? What are-"
Before Jotaro could finish, Kakyoin lowered himself down to be close to Jotaro's neck and started to suck on his neck, slowly.
Jotaro let out a low moan. Kakyoin let out a low laugh, almost mocking him.
"You like that,huh~?" Kakyoin said, in a teasing tone, which only made Jotaro harder than he already was.
Kakyoin kept on sucking on different parts of Jotaro's neck, and each time Kakyoin bit Jotaro's neck, resulting in Jotaro getting eager for something else he has always wished for Kakyoin to do.
Soon, Kakyoin got tired of biting and sucking on Jotaro's neck and stepped it up a notch.
Kakyoin took off his uniform, which resulted in him being in just a white polo shirt, and some dark green pants, and he took off Jotaro's coat which left him in his camo-green tank top and black pants. After that, Kakyoin started to run his finger down Jotaro's body, starting at the top of his chest and down onto his noticeable bulge. " So pretty...." He whispered.
Jotaro flinched. "Ah~...No..." He whimpered. " ....Don't...Tease..."
Kakyoin laughed, a rough, husky laugh. "Weird seeing someone that looks so tough practically melting." He reached at Jotaro's zipper and pulled down, grabbing at his boxer waistband.
" It's funny to see you like that~" he pulled down, exposing Jotaro's erection.
Before Kakyoin started, he looked over at the nightstand next to the bed, it was a plastic bag with something with a similar shape as a shampoo or body wash bottle.
He pulled out the bottle, which actually turned out to be a bottle of cherry lube.
Kakyoin squirted out some of it on his hands, and started stroking Jotaro's cock slowly, watching Jotaro wince and squirm, enjoying the power he felt.
"K-kakyoin..Aah~" Jotaro moaned out. He enjoyed every bit of this, even if he wasn't going too fast. Kakyoin then started to stroke Jotaro's erect cock at a faster pace, which led to Jotaro squirming around more and moaning louder, and letting out heavier breaths.
"K-Kakyoin..." Jotaro said, leaning his head back onto the pillow behind him
Jotaro starts shaking, a sign that he was going to cumme. Kakyoin,being the sadist he is, started edging Jotaro. " Kak~" He whined. "P-Please don't tease..." Then suddenly, Kakyoin stopped, right when Jotaro was almost over the edge. "Kak~!" He whined loudly.
As soon as he whined out Kakyoin's "nickname", or, well, the first 3 letters of his name, he came.
Kakyoin got a little bit of it on his face, but he didn't notice it was there."..Did you like that, hun?" Kakyoin taunted Jotaro.
Jotaro was absolutely wrecked from what had just happened. "Ugh...Are you actually asking me this right now?" Jotaro growled at Kakyoin, who was busy undressing.
" Don't act like you didn't.." He replied.
"T-There's some, um, cum on your face.." Jotaro pointed at his cheek to indicate where it was. Kakyoin took it out with his fingertip.
"Oh." He licked it clean.
"What the HELL??" Jotaro exclaimed, very confused, flustered and also kinda turned on. "Now, time to clean up the mess you made here.." Kakyoin said while easing his head down to where Jotaro's still semi-erect dick, that was covered in cum. He then started to lick the cum on his dick, which resulted in him getting slightly more hard.
"U-uahh~ haah..~" Jotaro moaned out, tilting his head back and flinching a bit.

"Jotaro, I didn't know you were so sensitive.." Kakyoin said teasingly.
"S-shut up.."

As Kakyoin was licking up the rest of the cum on Jotaro's cock, Jotaro was letting out small moans.
While he was doing that, he noticed that there was a good amount of cum on Jotaro's chest.
Kakyoin finished "cleaning" Jotaro's dick, and then moved up to Jotaro's chest, licking up the cum gently.
"K-Kakyoin..I n-need a break.." Jotaro said, completely out of breath.
"Oh, alright. You should probably take a shower or something. That should probably help you get your breath back and clean up some of the stuff on your body." Kakyoin said, while pointing to the bathroom they had in their room.

Jotaro then grabbed an extra pair of his boxers and discarded the previous ones he wore in the laundry basket, along with his pants.
After a shower, he put on an extra pair of pants he had with him, and went down to the public laundry room near the lobby, and put the dirty pair of boxers and dirty pants in one of the washers.
Around 10 minutes later, they were both clean and he headed back to his room, until he bumped into Avdol with the rest of the gang
"Oh! There you are Jotaro. We actually came back earlier than we were expected to." Polnareff said with enthusiasm.
"Oh- uh, hey." Jotaro said awkwardly in response. He was mainly nervous if they would ask what he was doing with laundry.
"Also, what are you doing with those clothes? Are you like, actually doing something productive?" Joseph said, chuckling afterwards.
"Uh- Yeah. Ok uhh- i'm gonna go back to my room now" Jotaro said quickly as he started to jog back to his room.
"Wait Jotaro-"
Jotaro got back in his room, and put back on his normal black pants and sat down on his bed, which is also where Kakyoin was sitting. "Are you okay?" Kakyoin looked at Jotaro inquisitively, sensing that something was off.
"It's not really that big of a deal, it's just i almost got caught. They came back earlier than I expected." Jotaro said, chuckling at the end.

Kakyoin laughed a bit, and then said "Imagine if we really did get caught, haha."
That's when they both heard a familiar voice say, "Get caught doing what?"
It was Joseph and the rest of the gang. Jotaro hadn't locked the door when he came back in the room.
"U-uh- nothing, Mr. Joestar-"
Star Platinum then slammed the door shut and locked it, to prevent Kakyoin from accidentally telling Joseph about what happened.

"WHAT?! JOTARO, OPEN THE DOOR! I JUST CAME HERE BECAUSE WE BOUGHT SOMETHING FOR YOU TWO!" Joseph screamed through the door."What the hell do you want?" Jotaro asked almost spitting it out at Joseph.
"I just bought some pockys, do you two want some?"
Jotaro looked at Kakyoin and he nodded.
Star Platinum then unlocked the door, and grabbed a box of pockys from Joseph's hand, but before Star Platinum could close the door again, Joseph interfered.
"Wait, before you close the door, I have a question." Joseph said, in a serious tone.
Considering the tone Joseph used in that sentence, Jotaro started to freak out.


"We planned on playing Truth or Dare, well, Polnareff practically begged us to play, and i can't keep up with his begging anymore." Joseph said, annoyed.

"Hey! I wasn't complaining that much!"
Both Kakyoin and Jotaro let out a sigh of relief, glad they didnt ask about getting caught.

"Whatever. Are you guys joining us or?"
"No." Jotaro said sternly.

"C'mon, it'll be fun!" Polnareff said, trying to get them to play
"No! Uh- Kakyoin needs to rest." Jotaro said, practically stuttering.

"Jotaro, it has been 3 hours since you left us. I think that would be enough time for the painkillers to kick in." Avdol interfered.

"Yeah uh- we're coming to play, Avdol! Jotaro is just uh..w-worried about me, yeah." Kakyoin said, struggling to think of an excuse.

God fucking damn it.

Jotaro was never a big fan of childish games like Truth or Dare, but didn't really have anything else to do, so he went along.They decided to play in Jotaro and Kakyoin's room, since they were practically already in their room.



ok UMMMM i wrote like. a whole third of this page,,,
credit to mochi wrote most of it considering im not the best at,,describing sex????lmao idk

henlo boys n gorls it is i @coomchie and basically we wrote sex. enjoy

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