Chapter 1

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People these days seem very fond of the saying, "it's what's on the inside that counts". This saying is way over used and nobody even uses it the right way. Obviously people understand what it means. People say it all the time but they never really mean it. Unfortunately, it's what's on the outside that counts now-a-days.

I may seem like a normal teenage girl on the outside. I strive for beauty, brains, and best friends. I have crushes and obsess over boys yeah, but no one but my family and my real best friends truly know me. There are people who have scratched the surface and a few have cut deep but no one really knows all of me.

There's a boy named dean who has cut a little deeper than most. I can barley admit my feeling for him to myself, let alone other people. He is one of my closest friends and I enjoy his company a lot. He captivates me. Sometimes when he's not paying any attention, I just look at him. His big green eyes, and plump pouty lips, his long shagy brown hair. He is quite appealing in general, but people like who pay attention to the details find him... Beautiful.

That might seem like a girly term, but I find it quite suiting for him. He is tall and skinny. He is athletic, and funny, and super sweet. I dare to say I wish he where mine.

"The late bell is about to ring, will you please hurry up Dean?"

"Violet you can go without me." He said with a slight giggle.

"Dean, we work in the office together so we will walk there together."

"That's weird." He said.

"No it's not. It's not wrong to walk together. It's only weird if you make it weird." I said, trying to hide the fact that I just wanted to to be next to him.

"Yeah, and you just made it weird."

"No you did." I say just as the bell rings.

"Great. Is it your life's goal to irritate me or is it just a hobby?" I sarcastically remark.

"Neither. Your the one who refuses to walk alone, but for the record it is quite funny." He said.

He slings his backpack over his shoulder just as I grab his arm and start to pull him down the hall towards the office.

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