Chapter 3

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This can't be it's not happening. We have known each other since kindergarten. Why would I suddenly just like someone like that? I wouldn't. She's one of my closest friends and I don't wanna ruin that. Besides, I don't even think she would ever like me like that.all that happened was I caught her from falling. There was no romanticalishness happening...but still. There was still that feeling in my stomach. What do girls call it? Butterfly's or something like that.

I'm really not even sure what really truly liking someone feels like. I've had crushes and stuff, and maybe a week long relationship, but nothing really true. That's really why I don't date. I want someone who I know and really like. Someone who is kind, and funny, and really likes me back. Could Violet be that one? Now that I think about it,she's really pretty. I already know she's super nice, and funny, and sweet...but she is really pretty.

Her hazel eyes that are sometimes really green can just lock you in. I could look at them all the time. And her long brownish blondish hair frames her face perfectly.her olive toned skin that is slightly tanned year round compliments here eyes really well. Her rosy pink lips are so kis--

"Helllooooo... Earth to Dean!"

I jerk my head up to find Mrs. Carman, my math teacher, looking at me expectedly.

"Sorry Mrs. Carman. What was the question?"

The question was,how do you find the square root of an imperfect square?" She says with and annoyed tone.

"I don't know ma'am."

"We'll maybe you should start paying attention." She says with her teeth clenched. "You all need to sit up and start paying attention!you learned this stuff in eighth grade! You are seniors now! How do you expect to get into collage if you can't answer a simple question like that! Get it together!"

She walks back over to the smart board and begins to write things down while mumbling under her breathe. My mind begins to drift to thoughts of my soccer tournament which is tomorrow night when I hear a psst from behind me. I just assume it's for someone else and ignore it. I put my face in my hands and stare at the smart board when I hear the noise again. This time I turn around. Violet who sits in the row next to mine, two seats back, has her had extended to me with a note in it. I take the note from her and unfold it. It says: "I just wanted to thank you for catching my fall. Jamare is such a jerk." I pull out my pencil and begin to write back.

*no problem. I agree he is a jerk. He didn't even apologize.*

I fold back up the paper and turn around to hand it back to her, but then Mrs. Carman calls my name.

"Mr. Mcmullan, would you so kindly hand me that note you and Mrs. Robinson felt the need to share."

I turn around and hand the note to Mrs. Carman. Gosh how much can one teacher hate you?! What dod I even do?! I look back at Violet and see that her face is bright red, and that she is sinking lower in her seat. I hear our other classmates snickering at us. Mrs. Carman clears her throat and reads it out loud. When she is finished, she throws it away and turns back to the smart board. A bunch of the other students say oooooo and a few even whistle at us. I just face forward and ignore it, but I can somehow sense how embarrassed Violet is. I decide to talk to her before we head home.

Luckily it's not muck longer before the bell rings signaling the end of the day. I know Violet goes to her locker before she heads home so I'll go meet her there. I wait for everyone to leave the room before I go, because I don't like being stuck in the rushing crowd of high schoolers trying to leave. Once everyone is gone I head for the door. I head straight towards violets locker. Once I turn the corner to the hall her locker is located in, I look up to make sure she is there. She is there alright. And so is Jamare and his "gang".

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