chapter 6

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I have no clue what to do now. We kissed. It was a good kiss. Who am I kidding, it was an awesome kiss beyond compare. At least to me. Why!? I never felt this way before. Ever since I caught her, I can't get her out of my head. Ugh. She probly doesn't even feel the same. I should just pretend it never happened. Just act like we did before. It can't be to hard. Its Saturday so I should be enjoying it. Not imagining kissing her... Again. Dang it!

"Dean, dean, dean, dean, dean, dean, de-"


"Well finally. I've been just sitting here for like ten minutes doing nothing while you sit there doing nothing. What are you thinkin about?" Christopher says to me. I asked him to come over to help me get my mind off things... Its not working.

"Ummmm, just uh, the fefa World Cup." I say. Soccer was the first thing that popped into my head.

"Ooooookkkkkk. so um, honestly dude why did you invite me over if we are just gonna sit here and do nothing."

I should just tell him. He is my best friend after all. maybe he could give me some advice.

"Um, well I needed you to come over and distract me because I umm... Have this... girl kinda stuck in my head and yeah."

"A girl? Who?"

"Um it's uh, it's kinda violet." and the truth comes out.

"I knew it! Yes! Camren owes me twenty bucks!"

"You guys were betting on me!?"

"Well ya, I mean ever since we got back from brake you and her have been acting different so I bet camren that you liked her."

Wow. was it really that obvious?

"So, what happened?" Chris asks me.

"Well um,jamare and his gang were at her locker surrounding her so I jumped in to help and that's how I got these bruises. She jumped in front of me when he was about to land one on me and got her ribs really bruised. Some teachers came and they ran. the teachers brought us to the front office with some ice and..."

"And...?" he says expecting me to continue.

"Um well she was holding and ice pack on my jaw and I was holding one on her ribs and we kinda... you know... kissed."

"Bro! you guys kissed! man you are lucky. you got a hot girl. you guys a thing now or what?"

"No. I'm pretty sure she doesn't even like me like that. it was a spur of the moment thing. I should just pretend like it never happened. it probably meant nothing to her. she's probably into someone cooler than me. she--"

"Dude. chill. first of all you are completely and utterly wrong. She doesn't look at other guys the way she looks at you. you are special to her and everybody else can see that but you. second of all, I'm assuming she kissed you back so that means she was into it. you know she not the kinda girl that kisses for the heck of it. every kiss means something to her and as far as I know she hasn't kissed anyone. and third of all, do not, I repeat, DO NOT act like it never happened. then she will think that it meant nothing to you, and that will hurt her a lot. you need to man up and pull her aside and ask her if she wants to be with you. I know this isn't just some relationship to either of you."

Wow. that was... a lot. words of the freakin wise right there. he is completely right. at least I hope. I don't think I could just ask her out though. he's right it isn't just some relationship to me at least. and I wouldn't want it to seem like just some relationship to her. I would want to make it clear that this is real. if she acknowledges the kiss in any way. or if she acts any different then I might consider it. if she acts like nothing ever happened then I will know she doesn't like me and I'll just have to get over myself.

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