Undiscovered Pasts

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I’m just writing a fanfic Stephanie Meyer owns twilight.

Bella pov

                "Hey Bella want to hear about our past?" Emmett asked me as he came into the living room with seven trunks in tow each one covered in dust and in need of replacing. The trunks looked to be full and after all this time it still amazes me that they have so much strength.

                "Emmett, where did you find our stuff?" Rosalie asked and grabbed a brown leather trunk, her eyes bighting up like starts as a smile graced her goddess like face. He shrugged and sat down on the floor next to her as everyone else grabbed a trunk.

                "The attic" was all he said as they each opened the latch on there things. I sat on the couch as everyone opened there box and looked inside at the objects, and smiling from old memories that were made before I was born. I watched as Jasper pulled out a photo album and pawned through the black and white pictures.

                "Look at this" he said and held up a picture of the fort he served on, the men were all in a line none of them were smiling but you could tell they were happy to be there. There was a man that was standing next to Jasper that looked oddly failure.

                "I remember that" I said they all looked at me as if I were crazy truth be told I did feel crazy, but I knew deep down inside that I was there at one time and I was him.

                "Bella, you mean you've seen this place?" Edward asked me. I shook my head and slid on to the floor next to Jasper grabbing the picture from his hands. I looked at the men in uniform and I could practically hear the people behind the camera tell us to shut up and stay still, I could smell the gun powder and she the tents as if I seen it every day. Floods of information that was hidden in the back of my mind broke out of the chains that held them and showed and told me so many things about me that I didn’t even know.

                "Peaches" I mumbled without realizing it and smiled, at the old nickname that I was once called all those years ago when I was in the wars against the north.

                "What?" Jasper asked, shock and a tad of fear was hidden under the sound of his rough voice.

                "You used to call her that" I said and pointed to the man next to him. "He was a she in disguise so she could fight in the army. Even though she’s not from the south, that was her nickname you gave her..........and after you were turned into a vampire you were still with her. She had a son named Austin" they stared at me, confused by how I knew all this information.

                "How did you know that?" Jasper whispered the fear was now heard showing a side of Jasper I never knew he had.

                "Because I was her" I said back my eyes glazing over as I explained and relived what  happened between Jasper and I all those years ago.

~Flash back~

"The rest of the fort left and they'll be back in a week" Jasper said to another man, his hair wet from the rain as he closed the tent and sealed it shut from the weather. The other man nodded and took his hat off revealing long locks of brown colored hair falling down to her back and hitting her hips. She pulled off her coat and shirt showing that a wrap covered her breasts.

 "Can you help me with my rap" she asked with a quiet lust filled voice. Jasper took off his hat and stalked slowly to her back, his hands scraped her flesh every time he removed the material.

"Well jasper if I'm not mistaken your taking a very long time to help me"  she said with a small about of amuusment in her voice, he just smiled and kissed her neck.

"Just making sure ma'am" she rolled her eyes and turned around while pushing his on the cot, her top half was bare but she made no movements to retrieving anything to cover up. She crawled up and laid down on top on him, her chest crushed up against his.

"Jasper Whitlock" she purred. "I love your name" he sat up and kissed her neck again causing her to gasp in pleasure.

"Peaches, Mmmmmm" he sighed and kissed up her jaw to her lips. They fell back as his hand snaked around her hips and she moaned as his tongue slipped into her mouth.

"Jasper" she mumbled and they started to fade out.

~end of flash back~

"You slept with him" Alice asked I nodded and looked at her she wasn’t mad because she knew this was from a past life, even before she met him.

"I don’t know how I know this stuff. But I've always seen this when I was little and not just Jaspers life but others as well. I’ve seen all of your pasts and I’ve been there but I don’t know how." their faces softened.

"Can we hear the rest?

Hey guys thanks for reading I just edited this and put new things in it, I’m trying to make it rise from the dead and be read. So thank you for reading!

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