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New York: September 24th.

Billie's POV:

It was about two hours before the show, today is the day of the meeting and I'm stressed. Like I know she's staying, my label loves her. They have no reason to not let her stay.

Soundcheck just started, and Maddie was on the bike as usual making me laugh when she zoomed out. I watched her as I laughed and it created her smile that I love.

I could tell that Maddie's still off about everything, she thinks that I'mma be mad if she leaves. She's not leaving, I've said it once and I'll say it again. She is not leaving.

Tour has been amazing with her, she makes everything so much more fun. I'll be sitting in a meeting, and I'll just think that I can go talk to her after this. That makes this whole thing so much easier, before I knew she was coming. Everyone thought I was crazy, for saying that she was planning to come on tour with me but look where we are.

Maddie and I's relationship has grown so much, and I couldn't be happier and I know she's happy too. But with this whole meeting thing, I know she's stressed out about it. It's just how she thinks, she can't help it.

Soundcheck ended meaning it was about thirty minutes before the meet and greet, and an hour and a half until the show. An hour until the meeting probably.

Maddie and I walked backstage holding hands. She sat down on this couch, and I rested my head in her lap. We're completely switching roles, Maddie used to rest her head in my lap all the time. Like she still does it, but now it's like... I'm the bottom.

I opened my mouth instantly at the thought, I was in complete shock. I sat up, and Maddie looked at me.

Maddie: "Are you okay?" She laughed.

Billie: "Lay your head in my lap right now."

Maddie: "Okay?" She did as I said. My hand found its way into her hair.

Maddie: "Why did you look like that and why did you ask me to lay in your lap?" She asked, still laughing.

Billie: "I realized that I was becoming the bottom and I cannot have that happen."

I have never seen Maddie laugh so hard, she didn't realize what was happening either.

Maddie: "Oh... oh my... god. That is the- the funniest thing." She's still laughing.

Billie: "Haha, very funny."

Maddie: "It is, but we all knew I was the top anyways."

Billie: "Excuse me?"

Maddie: "Who has the tongue ring?"

Billie: "You do but-"

Maddie: "But nothing."

Billie: "But-"

Maddie: "Don't make me bring up New York last time, and don't make me mention last night."

Billie: "Shorty, I will do anything to prove to you that I'm not a bottom."

Maddie: "Anything?" A smirk appeared on her lips.

Billie: "Anything."

Maddie: "I'm not going to make you do anything to prove that you're a top babygirl, I'll just let you think that."

Maddie got up and walked towards Claudia, I watched her walk away, still in shock I didn't even realize what I was doing. There is no way in hell that I'm a bottom, it's not possible.

I ran my hands over my face, Finneas walked to where I was.

Finneas: "You okay?"

Billie: "She's manipulating me."

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