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December 16th.

Maddie's POV:

It's been a few days since I felt how I felt, I'm doing better now and I realized that I deserve my happiness. Billie's out for the day because the studio should get done either today or tomorrow, she's on to me about it. But she doesn't know what's being built in there.

Today I uploaded my house tour, just because I wanted to get that shit done with. No one really knows I got a dog either, but she was in the video.

The rest of this week is gonna be so easy, the video I'm filming is dressing like Billie for a week. Okay, don't get me wrong, I love the way she dresses. But that's her style she can pull it off. I wear her clothes all the time, I just don't wear a full outfit like she does.

She doesn't get back until three today, so I haven't posted on Instagram. I don't think I'mma post on Instagram, I'll post on my story.

Kenzie's here because they're about to announce the teen choice nominees, I don't think that success is verified by awards. If I win an award, great. But if I do win the award then it'll grow my career, but the problem is, is that I don't fall into on category.

I model, I have multiple clothing lines, I have a YouTube channel, I do events, and carpets. I'm on PR meaning people think I'm a beauty guru. I'm not complaining about any of that, I'm grateful for everything that I have. But it would be easier to be in one category.

But at the same time it wouldn't be easy, because like say I was classified as a model. I couldn't do every opportunity because models wouldn't do every opportunity.

Yesterday I had a magazine interview and it was fun as fuck, I feel like I have done so many interviews and they always ask the same questions. But like they dug deep, they asked about real problems. They asked if I have struggled with depression or anything like that, I talked about it. I didn't talk about the main cause, because I don't think I ever want that to the public. Because I still hate being pitied.

I don't want people to know that I'm dressing like Billie for a week, and I don't think I'm really going to commit to it. I'mma title the video like 'I dressed like Billie for a week, and no one knew.' So that way all I need to do is put on one of her outfits and take a picture and then film a little bit of me in that outfit. Then change into something I would normally wear, and then post it.

I know Billie would want to be involved in this video, she'd make me wear hella jewelry and like I'm starting to wear more and more. But I don't permanently wear those, I still only wear the ring and the necklace.

Via Instagram:

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Liked by: billieeilish, belltwins, and 6,255,363 others.

madisonvoyage: just posted a new youtube video, filming another one this week. any guesses?

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