Sonic's "Paradise"

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Sonic's P.O.V

Hey if you wonder what I was doing for the last 2 chapters, I was just enjoying my life in Paris which is in France.

It was like a dream come true! you know I already got ice cream, I walked around in the park, read some fashion magazines, learning to use modern technology, and visit the Louvre museum which shows some of the most historical moments such as the Egyptian Tomb.

I even visit a couple of famous structures here such as the Arc de Triomphe, I ran loopy loop on it just like the loops I ran through back home.

I even visit the Eiffel Tower, where I ran speedy fast to the top, spread my arms out and say "I'm the king of the world!"

Afterwards, I came across a school called Collège Françoise Dupont. I don't know why they called it that because It feels like it's more a middle or high school than a college.

But I gotta say these teens my age do stuff that I don't do back at home. They do Art, Science, Reading, and even hanging out.

I even visit the library there and borrowed a few books there. Then I saw a dark blue haired girl who appears to be dreaming about something.

Maybe she's dreaming about all these delicious sweets, or even a boyfriend like the blonde one that's on the magazines I read. Who knows what comes to her one day.

Third person P.O.V

While waiting for Alya to bring some language translations book to the table, Marinette daydreams about Adrien and her getting married, having three kids, and a hamster.

"Hey Marinette!" Those words caused her to snap out of daydreaming.

"I brought you some language translations books," Alya said as she puts them on the table. "So let's get started." But as they were trying to study together, their other classmate Nino Lahiffe and Max Issue were making so much noise in the Library that Marinette and Alya were unable to focus.

"What the Hell are you doing?" Ayla asked Nino and Max. "We're playing the classic Sonic on the Sega Genesis," Nino said "Max's robot found it in the room where we saw some of the abandoned stuff there."

As they were talking, both Luka and even Adrien bursted through the library door. "Luka?" "Adrien?" both Ayla and Marinette said respectively. "What's wrong guys?" Max asked. "It's Kagami." Luka told them "She's in danger." Adrien cried.

Everyone gasped and went outside to see what's going on. Around that time, Sonic just finished renting the library books he needed but he hears something coming from outside of the library, so he too went to see what's going on.

They all see Kagami getting confronted and trash talked at by Lila. "So you think you can take away my Adrien from me?" Lila said to Kagami.

"Adrien became my friend ever since I started taking fencing class with him, we are great partners in this class." Kagami said talking back at her. "Oh you took fencing class with Adrien, That's nice." Lila said sarcastically "If go near him one more time, I'm gonna.."

"Leave her alone!" a voice cried out as Kagami and Lila turned to see who it is, It was Marinette who said it. "Marinette?" Kagami said. "Aw that's sweet," Lila said pretending to be sweet. "Ms. Dupan Cheng trying to stand up for Kagami."

"Please, Don't do this Marinette!" Adrien cried out as he tried to run to protect her. But Luka grabbed Adrien's arm saying "Don't worry about it, If Marinette can handle Lila then let her be and If anything happens to her, all of us including you will be there for her." So Adrien listened and decided to let Marinette deal with this.

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