Pomegranate Juice

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Charon headed to the study and knocked gently on the oak sliding door.

"Come in." a deep voice answered.

Charon stepped inside and bowed. "She is here, my king. Seated in the foyer."

"Thank you, Charon. Cereberus?" Hades asked.

"Smitten with her, sir."

Hades chuckled softly.

When Charon straightened up, he noticed that the Furies were also in the room with Hades.

Tisiphone, Megaera and Alecto looked incredulously at Hades as he chuckled.

The Lord of the Underworld cleared his throat and shifted his attention back to his massive iMac screen.

"We are almost done, ladies. So, just to be clear, I will be assigning the child murder and rape case to Tisiphone. This case will be pro bono as the victim's family is very poor. You will not charge them a single cent, am I clear?" Hades asked Tisiphone.

The avenger of murder nodded with a fierce smile on her Chanel-painted red lips. "With pleasure, my king."

"Push for the harshest sentence. When he descends into the Underworld, I will deal with him personally." Hades instructed as he added the murderer's name to an excel sheet.

Tisiphone nodded.

"Magaera and Alecto, good job on the recent inheritance spats you both won. I need you to work on the lawsuit against this pharmaceutical company from this tiny community. This is also going to be free. Here are the files." Hades handed them each a thick black envelope.

"That's all for today, ladies. I really appreciate you all coming here on a weekend. I'll see you at the office on Monday. One more thing, you might run into Persephone on your way out. I'd really appreciate it if you don't mention anything to her."

The Furies, all passing off as top calibre lawyers from Hades' law firm, stood up, curtsied and gathered their things inside their expensive handbags. Charon opened the doors for them.

Alecto paused on her way out, smirked at Hades "You do know that there is a chance this could all crumble once she discovers you've manipulated everything since she left Olympus, right?"

Hades rolled his eyes. "I've got this, Alecto." waving her off.

Magaera snorted and linked her arm through Alecto's. "If you say so, my lord."

All three Furies were laughing as they made their way to the penthouse elevator, their Manolo Blahnik heels clacking on the hardwood floor.

On their way out, they saw Persephone and Cereberus. Restraining the urge to curtsy again, after all, Persephone is already Hades' wife- she's just not yet aware of it. The Furies decided to all nod politely at her.

As soon as they left, Charon came back for Persephone.

"The Master of the house will be seeing you now."

Persephone gulped, her hands shaking as she took Cereberus' leash and followed Charon.

"This way, please." Charon bowed as he opened the door for her.

"Th-thank you." Persephone stammered.

Charon smiled as he slid the door shut.

Cereberus barked happily and ran towards the desk, Persephone had to brace her legs to prevent being dragged by the oversized puppy.

"Heel, boy." a deep voice called out firmly.

Her head whipped towards the direction of the voice. Seated on a large black leather seat with metal studs was a man with luxurious black hair up to his shoulders.

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