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After exiting the auditorium I notice how quite and empty the halls are. Too quite. That soon is over when Ferme swings his arm around my shoulders.

"I'll have you know that I'm the most powerful being to ever walk this Earth." Ferme tells me.

"Bro, can you stop repeating that line?" I desperately asked for what felt like the thousands time. First in the auditorium and now out here?

Ferme is obsessed with the role Mrs. Duran gave him. He wants to prove himself worthy of being the lead character so much so that he hasn't stopped trying to get the perfect tone when saying his line.

"You know, being a tad bit jealous is always okay, but not admitting it straight up is not." He responded.

I rolled my eyes. I freeze. In the middle of the hallway I'm blankly staring.

Vanilla. Vanilla. Vanilla.

Alarmed, Ferme asks me, "Why'd you stop?"

I smell it. I know he's here. I've acknowledged his presence but I have yet to pin point where he is exactly. Then the lights are off. I forget for a second that I'm with Ferme until I hear a gasp.

I'm kicked back into gear and my only focus is protecting my friend, Ferme. I toss my arms trying to grab him aiming at the place he was before the lights went out. All I feel is air. Shit. Where the hell are you?

I close my eyes trying to concentrate. His body heat. I sense it. His sent, I smell it. There is another figure next to him which I assume is Vincent.

And then I realize that his heartbeat is steady. Why isn't he panicking? Why is he so calm?

I open my eyes. I know where he is now. I jump up on top till I reach the second floor of the school. He started running. I cant let him get away so I also start to run too.

Dad can't find out. He'll toss me to the curve if he does. I'm being too generous. Dad wouldn't let me off the hook that easily. If he finds out he'll kill me.

Suddenly a piercing sound is what I hear next. That totally knocks me out of my train of thought. I stop running. My knees collapse. I bring my hands up to cover my ears. It's unbearable. Make it stop. Make it stop.

"Vincent, stop it!!" I scream.

I've angered him I shouldn't have screamed at him. A mere human like me shouldn't have ordered him around like that. Just because we grew up together doesn't mean I have that kind of authority.

The sound gets louder. It fills the school. The glass breaks. I'm trying to block it out.

He's here again. Right behind me. Ferme isn't with him. He didn't come pay a visit alone then. He brought other people with him. His soldiers.

My hands are forcefully pulled from my ears. The sound engulfs me. There's blood coming out of my ears. It hurts. Make it stop. It hurts.

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