Chapter 5: Thoughts of You

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Addie and I were sitting in our living room the night before school started.The tv played something softly in the background. Addison was going over her packet of cheer routines, mumbling quietly to herself. Mom and dad were out doing some town thing, so that left the two of us home alone. I was casually scrolling through social media on my phone, but my mind wasn't in it. I was still thinking about those eyes in the forest and the stranger in Zombietown.

I sighed and turned to my sister. "Addison, can i tell you something?"

She hummed, not looking up from her packet. "Yea, what's up lil' bro?"

"5 minutes Addison. 5 minutes." I playfully glared at her.

She grinned over to me. "Still younger, is it not?"

I smiled and sighed. "Addie you gotta promise me this stays between the two of us."

My sister finally looked up from her work and frowned. "Yea, Aidan, I promise. You sound serious, what is it?"

I sighed again and set my phone down on the couch beside me. "So, when we were out in the woods, after the cavalry came to pick everyone up, I saw something....I saw glowing yellow eyes in the forest staring right at me." I wrung my hands together nervously. "It was a werewolf, but I wasn't afraid. I....I actually wanted to go to them. I wanted to know who they belonged to."

My sister put her packet on the coffee table and came over to sit next to me. She put her arm over my shoulder in a slight hug. "It's ok to be curious, Aidan. This is a new situation, and we always thought werewolves were just myths."

I dropped my head into my hands. "But it's not just curiosity Addie. It's like I was overtaken by want. I wanted to run right back into those woods and follow those eyes wherever they took me. I wanted to stay with those eyes, no matter what. And it scared me Addie. It still scares me, because I have not stopped thinking about them."

Addison pulled me into a full hug, and rested her head against my shoulder. "It's ok Aidan. We'll figure everything out. We probably won't see those wolves again, dad will take care of everything. We'll go to Prawn with Zed, Eliza, Bonzo, and Bree, and our lives will go back to normal!"

I smiled at my sister's peppiness, and hugged her tightly. She was right, everything was going to be ok. It was getting late, so I decided to call it a night. Grabbing my phone, I walked up the stairs to my bedroom, which was right next to my sisters. Tomorrow was a new day, and a new school year. We were going to be sophomores, and we were going to kill it! Nothing could stop us now!


"I really thought we'd all be at the Prawn together." My sister said as we walked into school the next day. "I thought Seabrook had changed."

Zed looked at her quickly. "It did. Believe me, I will find a way to get us to the Prawn!"

Addison smiled at the zombie softly. "Or we could miss it together."

Standing slightly behind my best friend, I scoffed at my sister. "Like he would let you miss the Prawn."

She frowned and looked at me. "If he can't go, I'm not going!"

Zed spoke up again. "Well I like you too much not to let you go!"

"Well I like you too much to leave you behind! I am so not going!" My sister said, determined.

Eliza walked up to us and leaned against me. I threw my arm around her shoulder. "Ugh, you guys even fight like a perfect couple."

I chuckled along with my sister, while Zed went to stand next to her. "How's it going Eliza?"

Flesh and Bone // Wyatt LykensenWhere stories live. Discover now