Connor x Hank's Son! Male Reader

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1st POV

The rain's rhythm beat against my hood as Connor, my dad, and I stood outside a restaurant. We had gotten a hint that they would be passing through or around this street.  "So, who's the deviant were going after?" My dad asked, eating a burger. Before I could speak, Connor was already reading off the case file " A  male AP700 has been missing for a few days. People have said that they've seen it cross this street everyday since then, around this time."

Hank just nodded, barely listening and continued to eat the burger. Rolling my eyes, I searched through the crowd. Someone caught my eye. The man was the only one who had their hood on and was quickly making there way down. I was on full alert as soon as I saw a small light. A LED.

I pat Connor and gesture towards the man. He nods and we cross the street , and try to make our way towards him. Unfortunately he spots us, and takes off running. We both start the chase.

Dodging pedestrians was hard, but we both were still on his heels. He dodged into a alley way and up a latter. We follow him to the rooftops. Just as we get up, I see him run and jump to the next building and keep running. I groan internally. This is already too much running.

Since I got up first, I took off first after him. Connor followed when he got up and ended up catching to me. Soon we were so close to him, just one more roof and we would get him. In the corner of my eye, I see Connor jump too early.

My eyes widen, and I grab hold of him. I tackle him and put myself under him to take the full force of the impact. Bracing myself, I shut my eyes and held onto him tightly. Fortunately, we made it to the roof. Unfortunately, my body hurts like a bitch.

Groaning, I open my eyes to see a distressed looking Connor. "You okay?" I ask concerned. "Yes... I'm," He paused and looked me in my eyes, "fine."

We got up, and he helped me limp back to Hank. "Jesus Christ! What the hell happened!?" He yelled rushing over to me. He continues to inspect me, checking for broken bones. "I'm fine Dad. Really." I say, reassuring him a little. He nods slowly and turns to Connor. "You okay?"

Connor doesn't respond and keeps staring into space. Hank decides to leave it alone and we all pile into the car. On the way home, it was completely silent, which was extremely weird. Even Dad wasn't playing his music.

Once we got home, Dad helped me to my room and bandaged me up. Wincing, I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Just then, I hear my door creak open. " (M/n), are you awake?" I heard Connor ask. "Yeah, yeah I'm awake."

Grunting, I try to sit up. He rushes over, and forces me back down. "No, you need to lay down." He said. Rolling my eyes, I sit up even though Connor was trying to push me back. "I'm fine Connor," I said playfully, " So, what do you need?"

Connor looks at me, and he opens his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I raise and eyebrow, and gesture for him to speak. "I... just wanted to know why you saved me." He asked quietly. Giving him a weird look, I say, "What do you mean? I just couldn't let you fall."

"That's the thing, you could have! You could have and you would've gotten the deviant!" Connor says looking even more confused, "Why did you catch me...?" My face gets serious. "Connor, look at me." I say. He slowly does and i see how his LED is glowing yellow. "Connor, I care a lot about you. I don't care if you are an android or a human, you are alive to me. I don't want to see you get hurt."

He looks at me so confused, his LED flashing yellow and red. I roll my eyes slowly and gesture for him to come near me. I pull his face down to mine and kiss him gently, pulling away after a second. "Now do you understand?" I ask with a half smile. Connor's face flushes slightly and nods, his light changing to white. I chuckle lightly and start to lay back down, satisfied with the conversation.

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