Connor x Male Reader

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Connor X male Reader

Eyyyo this was requested by @snickerdoodle05 , hope you like it!

3rd POV

(M/n) typed away at his computer, carefully writing out his report for on a case. Glancing at the clock he noticed it was 3 am. Sighing he kept working on the assignment, knowing he had to turn this in by the morning. Just then he felt something or someone resting on his head.

Looking up he saw his boyfriend, Connor. "Connor, what are you doing here?" He asked in a tired voice. Usually, Connor was at Hank's house at this time. "(M/n) it's approximately 3:27:53 am. What are you doing up?" He said ignoring the question.

Sighing once more, (M/n) responded with, "I gotta finish this last report." "That can wait." Connor said sternly. (M/n) ignored him, and continued writing. Turning the chair around, Connor stared (M/n) dead in his eye. "(M/n) you have to sleep."

The two then had a intense staring competition, and Connor being an android ( sent by cyberlife) he won. "Fiiiinne," Groaned (M/n) as he stood up, "but your coming with me." Dragging Connor by his tie, (M/n) led him to his bed. Once there the two cops striped down to there boxers and jumped in bed.

The two cuddled together and (M/n) fell asleep so after. Connor being a android didn't have to sleep (do they sleep?) and just studied his lover's face. 'How did I end up with him?' Was the only thing that swarmed Connors head. Scooting up a little, Connor then kissed his lover's nose then powered off for the night.

Okay, so I wanted to do something cute and fluffy! Also I DONT FUCKING KNOW IF THEY POWER DOWN, BUT IM GONNA KEEP IT. Anyways, I hope you enjoy it! Bye!

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