Simon x Male Reader

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This takes place after Simon is wounded in the broadcasting tower and gets left behind. You and Simon are also dating.

Title: Promises (Slight angst, but fluff)

(Y/n) POV-

(Y/n) was left behind during the attack on the broadcasting tower. Markus had told the Android, that he was needed to make sure nothing happened when they were gone. (Y/n) didn't complain and just went up to Simon. Grabbing his hand the tall male took him to another part of the ship.

"(Y/n), please don't try to talk me out of this. I can take care of myself, you know that." The blonde said. Not replying the (color)-ette only leaned down and hugged him. Tight. "Please." He whispered into the shorter's ear, "Just please come back. In one piece." Simon hugs back, nuzzling his head into the strong chest.

"I promise (Y/n)."

*Time skip*

(Y/n) was anxious but didn't show it. Even though he was a deviant, it was just never his nature to show his emotions much. Which is also one of the reasons people were surprised when they found out he was with Simon. He was always the blunt and no fucks given type while his partner was the one that believed in everyone. A chuckle passed through the male's lips as he thought about their first ever meeting.


(Y/n) was running. He didn't know where he was really going but he had a vague clue. 'Jericho'. A place seemingly in legend where androids could go and be. Free. Something that everyone and everything yearned for. Freedom.


He had made it. He was inside. He didn't make it unscathed though. One of his eyes was severely damaged and his arm was bleeding. Bad. He limped his way to the main room and soon collapsed. All eyes turned towards him.

Hearing footsteps he looked up wearily and saw a pair of crystal blue eyes. "Are you still there?" He asked urgently. With a weak nod, he turned and yelled, "Someone come and help me!" Then everything went dark.

The android woke days later with his wounds "patched", but his eyes still broken. Looking around he found the same blonde in the corner of the room seemingly asleep. "Hello?" (Y/n)'s voice rang out. Startling the other he flinched and looked up scared, but soon turned into a happy expression. "You're awake!"

"Is this Jericho?" The (color)-ette said looking around. Nodding, the man got closer and held out his hand. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Simon." Taking Simon's hand into his own he simply said, "(Y/n)."

*flashback end*

Since then, (Y/n) got a new (e/c) and always had a soft spot for the one who cared for him. Whenever around him, he felt his 'heart' leap around and the sudden need to protect him from anything. After getting counsel from Josh, he care to the conclusion that he had a crush on Simon.

Just as he was going to reminisce about how he asked him out, he heard that Markus and the group was back. (Y/n)'s 'heart' started pounding and started off to where they were. As he got there he looked around and only saw 3 people back. The world stopped and time froze.

Looking at each of there faces, he felt tears prick his eyes. He'd never cried before. But the tears rolled down his cheeks. "Where is he?" The room was quiet. "I SAID WHERE THE HELL IS HE?" Rage soon over took the anger as he marched up to Markus.

Markus looked up at him, sorrow in his eyes. Grabbing his hand, (Y/n) looked through his memory. The tears came quicker and a growl was heard as they hear what North said. Turning on his heel, he grabbed North by her shirt lifting her up. His fist was pulled back and she looked at you with fear and sudden 'guilt'.

"You." (Y/n)'s whole body shakes as hatred courses though his body. His LED violently flashing red. "YOU WANTED TO KILL HIM." North looks at you pleading for mercy. Just as he's about to lose it, he thinks of Simon. What would he do if he was here? Suddenly, (Y/n) just drops her. Glaring at her, he soon storms off.

'He has to be safe.' (Y/n) thought as he sat in a corner of ship. His head laid in his hand and the other running through his hair. The tears hadn't yet stopped, but they had slowed. This is the first time the (hair color) haired android didn't know what to do with himself. There was nothing he COULD do. He hated feeling useless.


Looking around, (Y/n) scanned the room. It's been a few days (I don't remember how long it takes for him to get back) and now all he felt was numb. It was confusing. Unlike being devoid of emotions when he was a true machine, it just felt like his emotions were...repressed. He sighed again for the millionth time today and closed his eyes.

Just mere minutes later, he felt a tap on his shoulder. With a grunt the annoyed man looked up with a scowl and he saw those Blue eyes he missed and yearned for. Quickly standing up, he caresses Simon's face and kissed him full force, before picking him up and swinging him around.

All too soon Simon pulled away and smiled at him. They both now had tears rolling down their cheeks. "What happened out there?" (Y/n) asked quietly. "It doesn't matter. I'm here. I'm back and I kept my promise." The blonde said touching the other's face. (Y/n) just held his hand and leaned into his touch, his eyes closed.

The two stayed in each other's embrace. Both not knowing if they would see each other again. But now the two had made a unsaid pact. They were together now and they wouldn't leave the other's side ever again. Not until the end of time itself.

Hope you enjoyed! I need more request ideas 😅.

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