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A push and pull a kind of feeling that everyone has but what if there is one person in this world that doesn’t have it. The doctors couldn't explain how this health baby boy didn't have a ring on its finger.

This ring was supposed to be placed on any part of a child's finger when they're born. It's not literally a ring but a tattooed kind of birthmark. Every child is unique and so was their individual rings. This ring symbolizes the link you have to with your other half. In time this birthmark will grow and develop into a real ring made of metal, iron, copper, gold or any other unique element.

Will this boy ever find the answer to why this happened to him?

Or maybe he doesn't need to know when he was facing a treacherous obstacle not bigger than his thumb.


Vote and leave a comment if you love this one. Also, state if this one your top 1-5 in 《 VOTE 》. They wear a lot of rings especially Jingyu his also the reason why I love buying rings these days. I won't reveal everything but hey that's how I make these stories by freaking throwing a barrel load of Mystery in a freaking simple dish.

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