Chapter 2: The Warming Winds of Wamuu

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You sat outside looking into the black of night, clenching your heavy coat tight as you waited for his dark figure to appear on the horizon. It was a brutally cold night. The air stung your face as you attempted to shield it with your collar. Your lashes shook and fluttered as the wind whipped past your face. A burning rose slowly came to your cheeks, and your brows collected little snowflakes from the winter drift. You were going to have to confront him. "How could he do something so careless?"

"I'm done for." you mumbled into the night air, "I'm absolutely done for." Small tears pickled in the corner of your eyes. "There's no way out of this." you said in an empty tone.

Slowly a figure came into view on the horizon- trudging through the deep layers of snow. It was Wamuu. His strength had improved greatly over the past week or so, but a stumble let you know that he still had room to improve.

"Why are you outside, Y/N?" He called as you came into his view. On his shoulder was a large bundle of kindling he'd set out to gather a couple hours earlier.

"I'm very upset with you." you called back- wiping your small tears., "Very upset." Your voice was hoarse as you tried to taper back your emotions. You'd never broken your calm demeanor in the time you'd know each other, but tonight you were certain would be the night.

He finally stood before you with a vague look of annoyance on his face,"Did you not hear me ask why you are outside? It is cold." A strong gust of wind whipped between you. You cried into your cold palms. "I will not deal with this." He said dropping the bundle from his shoulders into the snow, and walking past you. "You should go to sleep, Y/N."

Your nails clawed into your cheeks as you screamed, "I can't sleep because it's freezing!" You turned to him sharply. You were consumed with rage. How could he have done such a selfish thing?

He cocked his brow remembering something- something very very important. "Is this about the man tha..."

"Yes!" you hissed. "Yes, it's about that man that came by earlier!"

Wamuu bowed his head in shame. "Y/N, I forgot." he said solemnly, "If that is why you are angry I understand. I apologize for my behavior. I will take what I must." He came to a knee before you and bowed his head.

Your eye twitched as you stared at him. "Wamuu" you said softly grabbing his face firmly in your hands. "Why on EARTH would you eat the electrician?"

"I thought he was a vagrant on the property."

"He had a uniform Wamuu!!! He had a uniform!!! I even told you he was coming! Several times! You came into town 3 days ago to schedule an appointment with him! You forgot?? You met him! You've seen him!" Wamuu would much rather be beaten than berated. This seemed to hurt far worse than any physical battery... particularly coming from you. How could a human make him feel so small? How could a human make him feel so incompetent. "I can't even lie and say he never arrived because there's a 2 ton vehicle parked on my property." you wailed.

Wamuu glanced up at you,"I could throw it off one of the hills into the forest."

"That is worse Wamuu!" You sighed and fell to your knees before him. "I don't think they'll ... I'll have to move." your voice was soft and your mind distant. "They've tolerated me up until now, but now I'm responsible for someone's death. They will tolerate me no more." You wiped some more tears collecting yourself. 

For years you had helped the townspeople. You had healed their sick and injured at no cost. You took in the helpless and needy until they were well enough to go off on their own. You'd given so much, but it would all mean nothing. They would not tolerate you or the man you were currently nursing back to health after this.

You were blessed with a beautiful curse- one that doomed you to continually move. Five years was the longest you'd spent anywhere. Often ... you imagined this place would be your forever home. Here you felt happiness, bliss even. In this clearing you'd claimed your piece of the world. Until now you were tolerated, but they would not tolerate a murderer. It was the end. You steadied your voice to speak softly. "And it's terribly cold, Wamuu. There's no difference between inside or out...I'm... I'm so tired."

Wamuu nodded and rose from his knee taking you with him. He silently carried you into the cold cottage and placed you before the dull fire burning in your hearth. With a wave of his hand the fire grew in strength and ferocity. Thawing your frozen face and hands. You stared into the flames serenely, recalling fine memories of easier times.

He left you there as he gathered bedding from around the house- returning with all the linens he could find. "Pardon" he mumbled, scooting you out of his way as he laid out the blankets into a little nest. He layered the fabrics tenderly- carefully lining the edges and paying close attention to their order. Occasionally he paused to switch a layer with another.

"Hmm..." you nodded inquisitively to his movements.

"This is the order the blankets must be in to maximise your warmth." He replied placing the final layer. "Get in." You removed your heavy coat and crawled inside. Thankful to be relieved of the bitter chill. "See, Y/N?" He said closing the blankets and laying your coat on top. "Now you are warm."

You laid in silence. Eyes hazily watching the dancing flames. You felt him wrap around you. His heavy arm crossed your body and his hot breath warmed the back of your neck. Once he settled into place he called for the dogs with a low whistle. All six came running into the nest plopping themselves comfortably around and between your forms. Wamuu had taken a deep liking to your dogs. He found them to be impressive and versatile creatures. They were able to guard, transport, hunt, care, and protect. Tonight they revealed yet another use... warmth.

He pulled himself close to you and softly whispered, "I am truly sorry, Y/N. I will fix this tomorrow. Do not worry yourself. Just rest."

You rolled yourself over to face him. You looked silly- everything from your nose down was covered by blankets and/or a dog. You stared into his eyes trying to sort out how Wamuu could be so ... Wamuu. You blinked slowly as sleep gently approached you.

Wamuu studied your features under the soft light. The soft curves of your brow; Your heavy eyelids and cherried cheeks and nose... their image he ingrained into his mind. He was unsure why, but he knew... you were something he didn't want to forget.

He swallowed thickly. Again that strange sensation danced through his stomach.

"Y/n" he whispered softly... shakily.

But you were already asleep.

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