The Academy

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As I walk up the stairs to my new high school, i wonder what life at my new school would be like. I thought about these things but it made me nervous. Once I got up the stairs i stopped at the gate. A short man came up and opened the gate. "Welcome to Cross Academy" he says with a smile. I smile back and say,"thank you. Can you point me in the direction of the headmaster's quarters?" He points in the direction of a clocktower like building.I nod and walk off that direction. As i reach out to open the door to what im hoping is the headmasters quaters, The door swings with the force of an Angry teenager and the door hit me so hard that i fell backwards. My bag fell and some of my books fell out. A boy about my age stops and realizes that he hit me.His eyes are red as blood, while his beautiful white hair falls back into place.He has a tattoo on his neck, hmm...i wonder what it means. i place my hand to check if my necklace is okay. "Get out of my way..." he says looking away from me with disinterest. 'get out of my way.' Get Out Of MY Way?! ugh the nerve of this guy, He is the one swinging doors with hard force hitting people and yet he only has the nerve to blame the person walking by or going into that room. No apology. No help to get up. Just a 'Get out of my way.' I hear a voice saying,"Zero! Zero come back, We are not done discussing the issue at hand," come from the room that the boy rushed out of. He looks down and his white hair falls down covering his face. He mumbles something under his breath but i cant quite catch what. As i hear footsteps approach to us and the boy quickly leaves down the red carpeted corridor. "Im sorry about my son,He is a really nice guy once you get to know him .Im sorry but im going to have get him to apologize to you later. Are you okay? He didnt hurt you, did he?"He helps me up and I feel a numbness spread through my hand. I gather up my stuff and he looks at my hand".Yeah im okay. so i was wondering if you knew where the headmaster was at." I say trying to rush out so i dont have to intrude on his hospitality. "I am the headmaster," he says as calmlyas he can while still trying to see if im okay. I look at my hand and see that im bleeding. I quickly hide my hand behind me, pretending to fix my bag. "Oh okay. Its nice to meet you headmaster, Im-" he cuts me off and says,"I know who you are. We've been expecting you.Please. Come in." I follow the headmaster in and sit down in a chair directly in front of him. He digs through his paper work and hands me my schedule. Then he looks for my dorming information. i unconciously put my hand on the necklace my parents game me. "thats quite a charm you got there," he says not turning around. in my shock i freeze up. "Based off that emblem id say you come from a long line of Vampire Hunters." How does this man know so much about me based off of my necklace?? "Based off the emblem of your necklace,"he hands me my new uniform,"Id say that you were and are the only one left. Am I right?" i nod slowly looking down at his green carpet."Your right... but even after what they did, I still wont hunt. I only protect," i say looking up him. "Then in that case... How would you like to join the Disciplinary Committee? We could use someone like you." hmm Maybe if i do this i wont have to worry so much about my problems, and get to start my new life here. "This will allow you to protect the Day Class from the Night Class. As you know thre night class is made up of Aristocrat Vampires. The day class is our normal students.So it is our job to keep the two classes seperated." "Understood," i say with determination,"When do I start?" The headmaster smiles and says,"Whenever you want today. Because we still have to get you settled in."

I am showed to my room and realize that i have a room all too myself. This is better so that way i can settle in my new school first.Suddenly I hear footsteps outside my door and chatter of someone with the headmaster. I go to my room and change out of my old clothes. I hold up the Black skirt and long sleeve shirt that buttons up with white and red stripes amoungst the outside of the stitching.I set all my clothes and vampire weapons out on my bed with my jewelry that belonged to my parents. i put it on and look at my self in the full body mirror. I actually look normal.... " Maybe its a start. but i will get through this, even if i have to be alone." i place my necklace over the shirt and imagine my mom when she used to put it on me. And she would always put her fragile hands on my shoulders. She would smile kindly at me in the mirror and then press her warm cheek against my right one...... My dad would always sneak in through my window and toss me in the air, then he'd catch me and we'd run around the house acting out fights of vampires versus us hunters. I keep my eyes closed trying to feel the moment, hoping that it would last forever or at least a while longer and then I feel chills run down my spine. I can feel tears press against my eyelashes and the door swings open. I quickly grab my hunters sythe and spin it so it points at the door. i open my eyes and i feel a tear slid down my right cheek onto my chin. To my surprise its the HeadMaster and his Son. What was his name again? Zero? I  swing my weapon behind me and i hear it close so i put it in the holster on my right leg. "Sorry to intrude but my son has something he wants to say to you." the headmaster pushes Zero by me and he looks back at his dad with hatred and says, "I'm.. um..." then he looks away and starts to mumble under his breath. The HeadMaster tries to help by telling us that we are going to work together since we are the only two in the Disciplinary Committee and have every class together so it be best if we made up."WHAT ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! NO WAY!" we say in perfect unison. Then Zero says,"You've got to be kidding me Headmaster. She's Pathetic! and she can barely do anything right! all she does is screw up! Plus She's too clumsy and she'll just get in my way! I don't need some hunter wanna be screwing everything up just because you pity her!" He runs and pushes the head master to the side and hastily leaves out the door slamming it behind him. " Wow. he's starting to piss me off and i can feel myself starting to cry again and i can hear my voice start to sound like i am but im trying my best to hide it. "Ugh, He's so Rude! What did I ever do to him? or to deserve this! my parents were one of the bests and i learned from them... if they were here... Then i wouldnt have to put up with all his trashtalk about people he doesnt even know, let alone just met!" I hear the headmaster call me as i run outside the dorm. Once i'm by the main building of the school i try to see through my teary eyes and end up seeing zero going to his and the headmasters house, which is a huge building that looks like the dorms but its by the place him and i first met. I keep running but i get lost by a fountain that looks so isolated from the rest of the garden the golden sand looks so beautiful all isolated like this... there are beautiful Roses that lay happily on the bush. I try my best not to cry but i cant help it. about 10 minutes later the Headmaster appears and sits by me. "I'm sorry it had to come to this... He only started acting this way since yuki left... His parents were brutally killed along with his twin brother by a powerful vampire. its long painful story. he's been suffering so much since then so he built a barrier to keep himself from getting hurt." When i think about it him and i are almost the same but i didn't have a twin brother or any siblings like he did... Maybe i should give him a chance..."Wow.. i had no idea. That must of been rough... I cant imagine what that would be like," i say as i forget all my sadness and anger towards him," i should go apologize..." The headmaster looks surprised then says," its okay ill go get him and HE will apologize." and with that the headmaster was off. When he came back he had zero with him. The headmaster told Zero to apologize and to my surprise he does. "Hey. look. I'm sorry that you over reacted and that you were in my way earlier..." Yeeeaaahhhh No. Either he doesnt want to apologize or he expects me too. ugghhh.. okay. well someone has to do it, so i pull myself together and hide my disappointment," Yeah, your right. I guess i was in your way. After all. You were only trying to leave. So im sorry that i got in Your way." the Headmaster looks almost as surprised as Zero does at my words. I can see zero blush and he looks away quickly. Zero's warm hand gently touches my face and wipes away the tears from my eyes. "No. I should be sorry. i didnt think anyone would be there this early, plus I let my temper get the best of me I never should have said those things. Its just... i lost someone who was pretty much my sister a few months ago... And i lost her to the one i hate the most. Kaname... I Loved her, and im the one who protected her, not him.. Im sorry its just... you came at a bad time for me." i smile at his apology and hug him. "im so sorry to hear that... that must have been rough. You had lost everyone that you cared about to vampires..." he looks shocked at my knowledge. I thought he was going to ask me about how i know so much or who told me but he doesnt. he just hugs me and we go to the headmaster.

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