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In his empty AU, Error sat on the floor, staring up at the ceiling.

What seemed like a very long time ago, Ink had been overwhelmed by his emotions. Shadow had crushed half of the vials, and in a rush, Ink had downed half of the remaining potions. He'd managed to stumble back to Error's AU, practically drunk on emotions, and he'd... he'd kissed him. Then, he'd lay on Error's sofa, and painted a night sky on Error's ceiling, the stars so realistic Error could've sworn that they sparkled. Error had laid Ink down to sleep, but he'd had nightmares whenever he left. So Error had stayed with Ink through the night, and fell asleep on top of him.

The night sky was still there. The stars still sparkled.

Yet Ink was gone. And Error was forcing himself to hope that the skeleton never came back.

"Argh, I hate him." Error frowned. "I hate him. He's so... annoying. With that annoying smile, and those annoying eyes, and his annoying rainbow blushing, and his annoying voice..."

"Huh. Annoying indeed." a voice echoed, from behind him.

Error's soul gave a jump as he got swiftly to his feet and scanned his AU for the source of the voice. A dark shadow sat on his sofa. Whoever it was, they would pay for sneaking up on him like that.

Nightmare smirked at him from the sofa.

"I'll throttle you," Error threatened, his voice a harsh hiss.

The goopy, dripping, slimy skeleton only snickered in response, and stood up. Behind him, he left a puddle of black tar-like goo on Error's sofa. It would definitely leave a stain, Error noted gruffly.

"Sure." scoffed Nightmare.

Error edged slightly to the side, right over to his plain white cabinet that sat in front of his sofa, and hid the photograph, in it's shattered glass frame, of Ink and him, from Nightmare. "Found Dream yet?"

"Nah," Nightmare said stiffly, tensing. "What'd you say to Ink, anyway?"

"To... Ink?"

"Yeah, that's what I said."

Trying to mask his worry with a scowl, and not daring to meet Nightmare's eyes, he growled out, "Nothing."

Nightmare crossed the space between them, and stood in front of Error, so that he was forced to look at him. Nightmare was as tall as him, Error realised. And considering that Error was taller than Ink...

"It wasn't nothing that made Ink not bother to protect the AUs and their Creators."

Error blinked, staring in shock at the goopy, evil skeleton before him. He had to be lying; this had to be a joke. It couldn't be real. Why would Ink ever stop protecting AUs, and helping Creators??

"Error, what did you say to him?" Nightmare snarled.

His one good eye was cold and unforgiving. Error willed himself not to crash as he whispered, "I told him the truth. I hate him. We're enemies."

Nightmare shook his head, his fists clenched, his shoulders tight. "You're making the same mistake Error."

The glitching skeleton, who had fortunately not crashed yet, only waited in silence for him to explain.

"Remember what Ink said to Fizz? And what happened to Fizz afterwards? Remember what you did to Ink–"

"Stop. Stop!"

"–you hurt him. He had to drag himself to a healer."

"I told you to–"

A crushing headache sprung up in Error's skull, and abruptly, he broke off. Nightmare watched in a brutal silence, as Error accidentally knocked the photograph he'd been hiding off of the cabinet, and onto the floor, where the glass shattered for a second time. Shards of glass cut Error's ankles and sliced through the thin fabric of his clothes, and he flinched, even if he knew he deserved the pain.

"Error. You have to make Ink feel better, or he'll be joining Fizz and Cure."

That was when everything went blue, and white text appeared before his eyes, a warning, an error screen, and Error knew he'd crashed.


A familiar voice cut through Ink's dreamless sleep, waking him up.

"Ink... I'm, uh, I'm sorry?" Error stammered. "If you're busy, I can, um, come back?"

Silently, Ink threw his arms around Error's neck and pulled him in for a hug, which Error would normally promptly refuse to. If he wasn't feeling so bad about what he said, Ink would expect Error to kick and punch and bite until he was let go. But for now, he held still, and Ink hugged him.

Error was toasty warm; Ink could feel his bones through his hoodie. He shook only slightly, and swayed a little, shifting his weight from foot to foot as he waited for Ink to let go.

Unexpectedly, Error placed a tentative hand on the back of Ink's neck. He shivered slightly at the touch, and leaned closer, burying his head in the folds of Error's red shirt. The skeleton always smelled of burnt paper, smoke, dry air. It was an odd combination, but Ink loved it.

Finally, Error grumbled something about that being enough, and Ink reluctantly pulled away. He would've liked to hug Error forever, he thought.

"You're not fully forgiven yet, Error. If you wish to be forgiven you have to do what I say." Ink told Error, grinning cheekily.

Error's face, if a little flushed, morphed into displeasure. "Nah."
Ink briskly forced tears to spring up in his eyes, and made little choked sob noises.

"Okay, okay, fine." exclaimed Error, raising his hands in surrender, then a smirk appeared on that handsome face of his.

With a squeak of excitement, Ink blinked away his tears, and winked slyly at Error, before going slightly grave. "You know... I think we should find that... beast. The one that... y'know... took Cure. And we should get revenge."

~A/N: Hey readers, thanks for sticking with me while I finally write and publish CreaseTale 0.4! It's been a long time since I updated my profile, and I apologise for that, but it's absolutely amazing reading all the nice (and funny) comments!! It really helps motivate me to write. ;) 

That's why this story is dedicated to you– all of you! Every person to read this page, to click on CreaseTale, to cast a glance in the direction of my series, this story is for you.

I hope you enjoy - and please be extra patient, I'm still writing the rest of 0.4 - it's coming, don't worry!~

CreaseTale 0.4 (ErrorInk ~ Undertale AU)Where stories live. Discover now