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Ink wanted revenge for what happened to Cure.

Error was pretty surprised, actually. Typically it was him who wanted to wreak havoc on others, unlike Ink. However, he wasn't about to complain.

"I'm with ya, but how are we supposed to get there and back?" he questioned.

"Easy. Nightmare and Fell will help us."


"I'll show you."

After creating a portal with a slash of his paintbrush, Ink shoved Error through. He managed to stumble on the other side of the portal, then proceeded to trip and faceplant on the pavement. Ink stepped over him, then extended a hand. Error didn't bother accepting it, only teleported upright and offered Ink a brief glare.

Ink took them to Grillby's, although it looked different to Undertale's normal pub. The floorboards were scratchy and a strange shade of violet, the walls were dark and stained with who knows what, and at the bar stood an odd version of Grillby - who's flames were the colour of lavender. He didn't have any glasses, only fierce, empty white eyes, a rude yet playful smirk, and wore a formal suit with fur on the shoulders and around the neck.

Sitting at the bar were a few grim-looking monsters, one skeleton, and a human. Ink approached the skeleton soundlessly, dragging Error behind him, then pounced.

The skeleton jumped in his seat and spun round, huge sharp teeth bared, his gold tooth glinting. Scruffy fur around his black jacket bristled, and the black, spiked dog's collar around his neck rattled.

"Hey Red!" Ink said in a way of greeting Fell.

He barked roughly, "I hate you."

"Having trouble, Sans?" Underfell's twisted Grillby sneered, as he spat in a glass and rubbed it with a dirty cloth.

"C'mon, we need your help," Ink sighed, before grabbing Fell's wrist and trying to lead him away, as he was currently doing to Error.

Fell twisted away, eyes narrowed, his coat rustling with unease. "With what?"

The human sitting beside him; an attractive girl with shoulder-length tawny brown hair and pale skin, wearing a tight red jumper, tilted her head slightly at Ink, with the air of a curious puppy. She didn't say anything though.

"It's really simple, but I'd prefer we talk about it outside," Ink replied. His eyes - one emerald green and the other highlighter pink - shifted to the girl in the seat beside Fell. "Frisk can come too, if you like."

Error realised that his shoulders were tense, and that his jaw was clenched. He quickly relaxed them, trying not to look as uptight as Ink had once said he was. Error was cool. He was chill. Yep. At ease. That was Error. 100%.

All of a sudden, Ink reached forwards and snatched the short chain hanging off of Fell's collar. "I will lead you like a dog if you don't come," he threatened, grinning cheekily. Error rolled his eyes - it was such an Ink move.

With a heavy, exasperated sigh, Fell stood up, and Frisk slipped out of her seat beside him. He yanked the gleaming chain out of Ink's hands and followed him as he led the party to the door.

"Oi! Pay up!" Grillby yelled from behind them.

Nobody answered him.

Ink peered at Error, then told the three to listen up, as soon as they were outside on the street. "Do you know where Nightmare is?"

"Who's Nightmare?" Frisk demanded, her voice sharper than Error had expected.

"Nightmare!Sans is this bad dude that's fueled by negative emotions," explained Ink swiftly.

CreaseTale 0.4 (ErrorInk ~ Undertale AU)Where stories live. Discover now