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The beast was nearly upon them.

Error dodged between chunks of debris, fallen rocks and concrete shards.

He heard a noise that pierced through every fabric of his body, stung every bone, and crashed through his skull. A sound that made him want to tear the world to pieces, roar like a lion, and fend off every evil Undertale had to offer.

Ink's scream.

"INK!" howled the dark-toned skeleton, feeling a new sort of energy creep down his spine and boost his legs. Error flew like the wind over the remaining chunks of rock, reaching Ink in only a couple of seconds.

Ink was scrambling away from something. He'd tripped, and was gasping for air, his face pure horror and terror. Recklessly, Error pounced on whatever had Ink so stressed.

It turned out to be a corpse.

A half-shattered corpse.

The energy in Error's legs dispersed instantly, and his feet were swept out from beneath him. Just like Ink, the skeleton found himself on the floor, crawling rapidly away from the lifeless, listless, useless body lying with the stones.

Still stumbling blindly, Ink slipped once again, slicing open his kneecap on a sharp edge as he dropped once again. Error's mismatched pupils flicked between the pale, mortified, wincing skeleton, and the rainbow blood dripping slowly - almost mockingly - onto the dusty, ashen ground. He felt his soul pulsing wildly, his ribcage thrumming, his breathing ragged, and his head spinning. Everything was all going terribly wrong. It wasn't supposed to be this hard.

What he wished, more than anything, was that he could protect Ink.

So when a paper-white curved talon came soaring down...

Error leapt at the opportunity. Literally.



"No no no no no no no..."




"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?? Why would you do that for me?"

"Why... wouldn't... I?"


In the middle of nowhere, Error thought, almost amusedly, to himself. I am going to die in the middle of nowhere.

He resisted the urge to chuckle - that would only cause Ink to worry further.

Huge, heart-breaking sobs, and transparent salty tears ran down Ink's slick, wet, cheekbones. His scrabbly slim fingers clawed fistfulls of Error's hoodie and scarf, clinging on like he wanted to hold on forever.

"You can't just leave me... after everything we've been through... don't I deserve to go through Hell with you?" Ink whined, sounding like just a child.

Error felt a tiny smile tug at the corners of his skull. It wouldn't hurt, he decided, to show Ink a true smile for once. He'd hidden them behind the skeleton's back, staring at the photograph of the both of them - in it's shattered glass frame - for hours, smiling at Ink, smiling at the smile on his own stupid rainbow face. Error didn't know what his smiles looked like, but obviously Ink liked them, as the skeleton's entire face lit up at the sight.

A cough racked his bones. "I can, and I w-will." he said stubbornly, still smiling.

More tears brimmed and welled in those sad eyes of Ink's.

"Stop crying, you idiot." Error muttered.

"Stop DYING!" screamed Ink desperately.

Error had not expected him to care so much.

He had not expected to hate the terror and agony in Ink's sorrowful eyes.

Ink let out the softest of whimpers. "Please... we can heal you... I can get you... I can save you..."

In the distance, Error heard a crash. His sight was failing him - going blurry, and black dots were filling his vision, like static on a TV. His head spun and burned, and he felt sick to the bone. His throat was as dry as a desert. Somewhere behind him, Shadow was viciously attacking the larger beast, brutally defending Ink and Error from it. Until Shadow killed the monster - if he even could - the gaster blaster creature was too busy to help. Yet Error had already accepted the situation.

"Please... please..." Ink sobbed.

Was the world getting darker? Was night falling?

He couldn't see Ink.

Suddenly, Error was struggling against the growing darkness. He wanted to see Ink. See his face at least one more time.

And then the shadows closed in, and he lost sight of possibly the one soul in life he actually loved.

Maybe never to see him again.




Dude I can't believe this is finally finished whoa. I actually wrote it faster than I expected!

Thanks for all the amazing comments all over CreaseTale. You guys are lit ;)

CreaseTale books all end on some shocking cliffhanger, have you noticed? Haha, I'm so evil, making you readers wait for the next book in pain while I (just as painfully) write it? >:)

Mind you, that last bit wasn't painful for me, because I know what's going to happen next... IN BOOK 5 AYYYYYYYYY!

CreaseTale 0.4 (ErrorInk ~ Undertale AU)Where stories live. Discover now