Chapter 77

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June 1989

Deaky, Veronica and their kids went visiting Lee in May, it was a reunion. They haven't seen each other in a long time.

The bassist looked old. Even though he and Lee were the same age, he looked more aged than her. Deaky was the first one to get grey hairs in their group. He was always very shy and quiet, but behind doors he was suffering a lot with Freddie's illness and all the fame he never really managed to deal with. Veronica was his rock and his children too, of course, but Lee always thought Deaky would be happier at home like he once wrote.

During the visit, Deaky invited Lee and Alexander for the release party of The Miracle where they would do a hearing of the album and they would release a music video for one of the songs.

Lee accepted the invite but only later, after Deaky and his family left, was when she realised, she would have to speak to Roger and eventually his new girlfriend.


Darling!! I'm so happy to see you! Freddie welcomed Lee and Alexander into the party.

Turns out, it wasn't like the parties they used to organise back in the day. There were a very few people and there weren't alcohol in sight.

Me too! You look so good! That vest really suits you... Lee hugged Freddie.

Thank you! That means a lot from a super model like yourself! Lee gesture to Freddie to stop. But yeah, we all came in vests, so we matched our music video!

Oh, I heard! Which song?


"So, the song is called "Breakthru" ... is about overcoming difficulties so, the woman figure would represent the force that make you want to surpass any difficulty! ...

Have you cast someone yet?

That's where you come along! ... "

The song was the one Roger asked Lee to be in the music video. Right before they broke up. Lee forgot completely about it and didn't even know they shot it after all.


Thank you so much to everyone that's here today! Brian spoke into the microphone. Now that we finished the hearing of our new album, The Miracle, I'd like to hear what you have to say about it! But first, we'd like to present our most recent music video! This is Breakthru!

Enjoy!! Freddie said in the distance.

The few people in the room applauded and the lights went low.

The screen went black and a woman's face with paint on it appeared. The face of the woman she found with Roger on her bed.

As the camera started to slide down her body, Freddie's vocals travelled through the air.

The next 30 seconds of the video was the woman standing up to Freddie's words. The blue eyes, the blonde hair. It was her, it was the woman Roger cheated on Lee with. Roger didn't only replaced Lee in life, he replaced her on everything else.

Deaky's bass cords started echoing.

How I miss this sound...! Lee whispered to Alexander that showed her a small smile.

Roger's image appeared for a millisecond and Lee's heart skipped a beat.

She had been avoiding him and his girlfriend all evening saying only a little hello as Lee arrived.

The video was amazing. Freddie looked healthy dancing around. Brian's hair was everything floating in the air. And Deaky looked extremely happy and his little dance moves made her heart warm. He still had the presence of his 20-year-old-self. And Roger.

Roger. With his yellow shirt, that she remembered vividly of buying it with him, and his baby blue jeans.

It didn't matter how many years it past, Lee would still have her knees tremble with the sight of him.


That was our music video, we hope you enjoyed watching it as we enjoyed filming it! Especially the tunnel scene, uh Bri? Roger laughed at Brian that rolled his eyes giggling. Well, serve yourselves some champagne and thank you for coming!

Roger left into a small group of people where he met with Debbie. Their hands were all over each other's bodies, whispering in each other's ears, giggling and holding hands. It was making Lee sick.

I mean, get a room, am I right? Alexander said taking a bite of his pastry.

What? Who? Lee played it cool.

Roger and his girlfriend. You were looking at them, I saw you...

It is making me sick... She didn't even tried to lie.

We can leave if you want...

And give him the satisfaction of seeing me walk away? No!

Well, then... Alexander looked in the distance. You can start pulling yourself together because they are coming our way...

What? No!

Roger have been noticing Lee all night. The way she avoids his glances and approaches... He couldn't blame her though.

Hi! How is everything going? Roger asked with Debbie in his arm.

Good thank you! You remember Alexander... Lee said.

Yes, I do! Thank you for coming mate! Alexander shook Rogers hand. And this is Debbie by the way, my girlfriend!

I'm aware! Lee said blocking Debbie from saying anything to her. It was nice seeing you, but we must go! Congratulations on the album!

Lee and Alexander left without giving a chance for Roger to answer.

I can't be in the same room as him...


its getting intense uh...

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