Chapter One

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"Harry?" Ron poked his head over the large staircase to Mrs. Weasley and Ginny. "Did someone say 'Harry'?" Ginny groaned as she looked up at her older brother.

"Me, you idiot. Is he up there with you?" Ron too groaned, as if they did not understand each other in the slightest. 

"Of course not, nosy. I'd know if he was in there, wouldn't I? It's just Hermione, she's not talking at all though. Reckon she misses him or something,"

"Ron!" Mrs. Weasley said, as he was coming across as meddling in Harry and Hermione's relationship, which all three Weasleys completely supported. A loud noise came from Ron's room as Hermione leapt over to the staircase, though on the completely other side of Ron.

"Who said 'Harry'? And - ohmygod, is that an owl?" asked Hermione over-enthusiastically, causing Ron and Ginny to laugh.

"You haven't seen him, have you?" Ginny said knowingly, and she couldn't tell the expression on her friend's face, but heard her chuckle.

"I wish."

"She's been dreaming about him since she got here." Ron teased annoyingly, as Hermione gave him a sharp glare and threw something at him.

"I have not!"

"Sure..." Ron winked, causing Hermione to give him another glare. Suddenly, the front door swung widely open, instantly ceasing all their conversation. Before the two Weasley siblings could react, Hermione bolted down the stairs, loudly squealing. When she arrived at the bottom, she quickly pounced on Harry, enveloping him in a tight, loving hug. Harry chuckled, wrapping his arms around her small waist, and burying his face against her bushy, curly hair. 

"I missed you so much..." Hermione mumbled, still tightly clinging to him; as if he was going to be taken away from her at any given moment. Ginny cleared her throat, separating them instantly. However, she couldn't help but smirk at her best friend, as she noticed Hermione's glare harden. Ron quickly hugged Harry, before walking over to Hermione; who had basically become his older sister. 

"Told you so..." He teasingly whispered, causing her to playfully slap his arm. Mrs. Weasley engulfed Harry into a quick hug, laughing while doing so.

"Harry, dear, why didn't you let us know you were coming?" asked Mrs. Weasley worriedly, putting a hand on each of his more-than-red cheeks. 

"I-I didn't know," Harry stuttered, still shocked from the massive hug Hermione had given him. "Dumbledore." Harry knew he didn't really have to carry on, because almost everyone in the wizarding world, including Durmstrang, Beauxbatons and Ilvermony knew Dumbledore was more than unpredictable.

"Oh, that man." Molly Weasley said cheerily, once more taking notice of Harry's thin and skinny structure. "Did those Muggles starve you again?" Harry shrugged, but the shrug was more of a nod to Mother Weasley, because it was never really a question: during the summer, at the Dursleys', he'd lose about half of his weight, making him the equal weight of a six-year-old. Harry then walked over to Hermione and put a thumb to her left cheek, causing the girl to blush immensely, turning as red as a jalapeno. Harry looked rather embarrassed while Ron and Ginny looked in bewilderment at their good friend, and he looked down at the floor.

"You had a bit of toothpaste," he mumbled, as Hermione still looked redder than all the Weasleys' hair combined.


Harry was doing some magic when he turned to Hermione, who was sitting quite close to him, though Harry didn't mind in the slightest.

"So, when d'you get here?"

"A few days ago," replied Hermione normally. "Though for a while, I wasn't sure I was coming." She looked nervously at Ron, and Harry silently begged them to explain.

"Mum sort of-she lost it last week."

"What? Why?" asked Harry quizzically, as if Ron had just said he wanted to ask Hermione out.

"She said Ginny and I had no business going back to Hogwarts. It's too dangerous. Then she said Hermione wasn't allowed to come because Mum didn't want her to get roped into what we've been doing anymore."

"Oh, come on."

"She's not alone-" Hermione butted in, looking desperately at Harry. "my parents, and they're Muggles, know something bad's happening. Ever since everyone found out you and Dumbledore were telling the truth and You-Know-Who's returned, people are really worried."

"Anyway," Ron tried to avoid Harry getting glum over what Hermione just said. "Dad stepped in, told her she was being barmy... and it took a few days, but she came around." Harry sighed as he had a bad feeling Ron's long story wasn't going to end well.

"You forgot one thing!" Hermione called out triumphantly, Ron looked like he was going to explode, while Harry felt as if he hadn't been in the Burrow for a million years, and Ron held a finger up to his 'older sister'.

"Hermione, don't you--"

"Ron's been owling Alexis Gray!" Hermione thrust her fist in the air as if she had just won a thousand Galleons.

"You have?" Harry took off his glasses and looked curiously at Ron. Ron shook his head, but there was no use. Harry already took Hermione's word for it. The two began to burst out laughing, therefore Ron got his wand out and pointed it at the two of them.

"Silencio!" Both Harry and Hermione knew Ron was not exactly amazing at magic, so of course he was bound to fail a spell. He didn't just fail it, though, he used it on himself, so he couldn't protest while his two 'siblings' laughed their heads off.

"Alexis Gray? The Hufflepuff Chaser? Man, you got lucky, mate..." Hermione's laugh quickly turned sour as she looked down, frustrated, at the floor. Harry nudged her lightly in the ribs. "What's up?" She shot her head up quickly, as she started awkwardly playing with her hair.


"You've got nothing to laugh about, mate." Ron smirked, snapping out of the Silent Charm. Harry had no idea what was coming, neither did Hermione. But it was fair to say Hermione took Ron's words a lot worse than Harry did. "You've been going out with Cho Chang for a year now!" Those words stung Hermione greatly like it did when Harry went to the Yule Ball with Parvati Patil more than a year ago. She knew Harry had been going out with Cho last year, but she thought they had broken up. Clearly she was wrong. She bolted out of the room as fast she could, slamming the door to Ginny's room. Ginny didn't know why an upset and heartbroken Hermione had just walked into her room with no caution, but she knew it was not the time to ask questions. Harry looked over at Ron, who simply shrugged.

"You should've told her--"

"I know I should've told her!" snapped Harry, hanging his head now in between his knees in shame.

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