Chapter Two

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Fireworks and laughter were exploding everywhere, as a myriad of colorful lights flashed; only adding to the chaos. However, the chaos seemed to make everyone smile, despite the fact that the Wizarding World was practically falling apart. 

"Step up! Step up! We've got Fainting Fancies!" Fred hollered, as he and George dodged the flying hats that were swiftly darting in their direction. 

"Nosebleed Nougats!" 

"And just in time for school..." Fred and George had both gotten rather bad results on their O.W.Ls, so instead, they decided on opening a joke shop, in hopes to earn some money. "Puking Pastilles!" George bellowed as he took a quick bow for coming up with the genius idea. 

Ron and Harry entered the shop, instantly catching the twins' eye, for Harry was the one who invested in their store. 

"Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder!" The twins exclaimed, suddenly appearing beside Harry, who seemed completely enthralled in the dark powder. "A real money-spinner, that." 

"Handy if you need to make a quick getaway..." Fred mumbled, tossing the bottle to Harry, who assessed it with great care. The twins then walked over to Ginny and Hermione; who was still completely heartbroken upon hearing about Harry and Cho's relationship. "Hello, ladies..." They grinned, looking down at the love potion that was tightly gripped in the brunette's hand. 

"Planning to give one to Harry, are you, Granger?" Ginny glared at her older brothers in response, as Hermione looked although she might break down and start sobbing once more. 

"Shut up..." The redhead hissed, comfortingly wrapping her arm around Hermione's shoulder. 

"You don't need those love potions, Gin!!" George teased, adjusting his colorful tie. 

"Meaning?" Ginny asked sourly. 

"Aren't you dating Dean Thomas?" Ginny turned scarlet red as she looked down at the love potions. However, she quickly pulled herself together, and fiercely looked up at the two Weasley's again. 

"It's none of your business!" Ginny scoffed, turning away from her brothers. Hermione looked over at a boy, who she noticed staring at her. He was wearing a ivy green jacket, and a striped red shirt. His hair was dirty blonde and styled in slight waves. She couldn't help but feel uncomfortable as she noticed him deeply staring at her in a slightly inappropriate way.Upon noticing this, Harry scowled; feeling a big protective, although he didn't know why. He was happy with Cho, right? Maybe it was a brotherly protectiveness. 

 Hermione set the love potion down, shooting one last glance at the boy. Meanwhile, Ron was in a bidding war with his stubborn and playful older brothers, which was doomed to fail miserably, since Fred and George literally owned the shop. 

"How much for this?" Ron asked, hoping that his brothers wouldn't make him pay a great fortune for the small parcel.

"Five Galleons..." The twins said in unison. 

"How much for me?" Ron sighed, holding up the thing he wanted to get a price knock-off from. 

"Five Galleons!" They said once more as if Ron was asking them mad questions. 

"But..." Ron trailed off, but regained himself and collected his arrogance as he looked them in the eye. "I'm your brother." In response, the twins shrugged, sharing a quick glance before knowingly smirking at each other. 

"Ten Galleons then." They made to leave, and just as Ron was about to protest, Fred turned back, and less than a millisecond later; so quick that you could barely (if not at all) see it; George turned around. 

"Know what? Make it 15, for good measure." Fred chuckled, leaving Ron gobsmacked as he angrily dropped his item on the floor. He caught sight of Harry and Hermione, who were laughing at him from downstairs, and rolled his eyes. 

"Come on, let's go..." He grumpily muttered, pulling his two friends behind him, as he began to leave the shop. However, before he could get far, a girl; who he recognized as Lavender Brown; flirtily waved at him, blushing brightly. Harry and Hermione shared a look, snickering loudly as they watched Ron swiftly become awkward.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             "How are Fred and George doing it?" Hermione mumbled, changing the subject before Ron realized that his friends were poking fun at him. "Half the alley's closed down..." 

"Fred reckons people need a laugh these days." Ron shrugged, sighing as the trio exited the store, walking down the dark, and empty alley. 

"I reckon he's right," Hermione deadpanned, her attention glued to the many stores that were abandoned. Frowning, she remembered her 1st year where all the stores were filled to the brim with magic and customers. "Oh, no...Everyone got their wands from Ollivanders." She muttered darkly, as her eyes landed on the shattered windows and burnt remains of the wand store. "Harry..." Upon hearing his name, Harry snapped out of his thoughts. He softly tapped Hermione on the shoulder, gaining her attention instantly. 

"Is it me or do Draco and Mummy look like two people who don't want to be followed?"  

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