Chapter 1

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I Do Not Own Frozen. Frozen Is Owned By Disney And All The Studios Who Had A Hand In Making It.

Once Upon A Time In The Kingdom Of Arendelle*

King Agnarr's POV*

While walking through Arendelle with Iduna we were admiring the beauty of the town with Elsa and our new baby Anna.

We found our way over to see a little girl about Elsa's age flip a guard onto the ground.

Another guard tried to grab her but she jumped onto his arm and ran up it to kick him in the face.

Iduna leaned over to me and said, "I like her.".

I turned to her and asked, "How could any child be that skilled at such a young age?".

Iduna said, "Don't know. I'll go ask.".

Elsa said, "Yeah mommy go.".

Iduna smiled and handed me, Anna.

I watched as she walked over to the child.

Iduna's POV*

When I arrived I asked, "And may I ask what's going on here?".

One of the guards said, "This child was caught stealing bread, your highness.".

I smirked and asked, "All this effort for stolen bread?".

He said, "No. All of this effort is because she's too fast and agile.".

I hummed and walked over to the little girl.

When I was in front of her I kneeled down before her.

She looked at me and backed away with the bread in her hand.

I smiled and asked, "Why did you steal that bread?".

She straightened up and said, "Because I have no way of paying for it.".

I looked at her concerned and asked, "Where are your parents?".

She frowned and said, "I-I don't know.".

I took out one of my coins and handed it to her.

I said, "Let's go pay for that bread.".

She nervously took the coin and I stood up.

I held out a hand to her and she took it.

We walked off and to the cart selling the bread.

She looked up at e and I looked down at her.

She let go of my hand and stepped toward the cart and towards the nice-looking old woman who ran it.

The old woman looked down at her and said, "Why if it isn't the adorable little bread thief.".

The little girl looked at me then looked up at the old woman.

She said, "I'm sorry miss for stealing your bread.".

She then offered the coin to the old woman and she took it.

The old woman smiled and said, "Thank you.".

The little girl walked over to me and I said, "Why don't you come with me.".

She took a bite out of her bread and asked, "Why?".

I said, "Well your alone and I don't think I'll be able to live with myself if I left you on your own.".

I offered a hand and she looked at it for a moment.

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