Chapter 8

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I Do Not Own Frozen. Frozen Is Owned By Disney And All The Studios Who Had A Hand In Making It.

A Few Months After Chapter 7*

Elizabeth(Age: 21)'s POV*

I was walking around the countryside as usual as a leaf flew by me.

I caught it and looked at Arendelle.

I sang "Change is on the horizon, but some things never change.".

I let the leaf go and started to head back to the castle where we were gonna do charades.

I saw Anna looking at everyone entering the castle and I walked up saying, "Hey Anna.".

She turned to me and hugged me sang, "I'm holding onto you.".

She let go and I entered the castle.

I took a seat by Elsa and she laid her head on my shoulder.

I laid my head on top of hers as I brought an arm around her shoulder.

Anna came in with a smile on her face.

A Few Minutes Later*

Anna was standing up pretending to be an animal.

We all guessed wrong and Olaf cheated and got all of his right.

Elsa was up next and she seemed worried about something.

I stared at her in concern as she looked off somewhere.

Elsa turned in for the day and I followed her.

When I entered her room she was sitting on the bed.

I crawled into bed and laid my head down on her lap.

I asked, "Are you okay?".

Anna came in and asked the same thing.

We both calmed Elsa down and she told us what was wrong.

I smiled and began planning a trip around the world.

2 Days Later*

Elsa and Anna saved the kingdom of Arendelle and the enchanted forest and Elsa gave the right of the queen to Anna.

Elsa pulled me in and lowered me down before leaning in close and locking lips with me.

We stayed like that for a moment until she pulled me up.

She said, "I love you, Elizabeth.".

I smiled and said, "I love you too.".

I pointed at the horizon and said, "And I want to share the world with you.".

She locked arms with me and we walked towards a boat that we were gonna sell around the world.

And we lived happily ever after.

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