I Do Not Own Frozen. Frozen Is Owned By Disney And All The Studios Who Had A Hand In Making It.
A 6 Months After Chapter 4*
Elizabeth(Age: 16)'s POV*
It's been about a year since I returned to Arendelle and in that time I received a gift from Li Shang.
He sent me a sword with my name on it.
I smiled as I gave it a few swings.
Nowadays I would train in the courtyard of the castle so I don't lose my edge.
Elsa took 3 months to tell me that my room was still my room but I still had dinner with her every day to show that she's still one of the most important people in my life.
As of right now, I was jogging around town until James and the others caught up to me.
I stopped and looked at them.
I asked, "And how is my favorite batch of trainees today?".
James said, "Good. His and her majesty need to speak with you.".
I nodded and headed back to the castle.
I made it to the castle and bowed my head before his and her majesty.
The king said, "I and Iduna are heading out tomorrow on an errand.".
I looked up and asked, "For how long?".
The queen said, "Two weeks.".
I nodded and the king said, "Before we go I want you to promise us that you'll protect Elsa.".
I nodded and said, "On my honor as a warrior, I promise your majesties.".
They smiled and they said, "You may go now.".
I walked away and trained with my sword in the courtyard.
The Next Day*
I was standing by Elsa as were seeing her parents off on their voyage.
I and Elsa took a small bow.
Elsa worriedly asked, "Do you have to go?".
He said, "You'll be fine, Elsa. You have Elizabeth to look out for you.".
She turned to me and I had a bright smile on my face.
She smiled a little as well before we saw her parents out.
I personally escorted Elsa back to her room and after that was done she asked, "Are you staying for the day?".
I said, "Sadly no. I gotta hang out with Anna before she loses her mind to boredom.".
She frowned and said, "Oh! That sounds lovely.".
I put a hand on her cheek and said, "I'll be making some dinner and be back for dinner.".
She smiled as I let go of her cheek and she closed the door.
I smiled before walking off.
3 Days Later*
We were greeted with some bad news.
Apparently, on their voyage, the king and queen perished in a terrible storm.
Elsa closed herself off in her room.
Instead of going to the funeral, I sat outside her door and said, "Elsa, whenever you're ready, I'll be here for you.".
I heard crying as she said, "Thank you, Elizabeth.".
I smiled and laid my head up against the wall behind me.

The Other Frozen Story
FanfictionThis is my take on a new Frozen story with an added OC I Do Not Own Frozen. Frozen Is Owned By Disney.