Chummy for ever... Or not

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We sat in the car stuck in traffic. We were due to meet Tan and chummy at Tans house at 11. To pass the time I put on the kids favourite album: 'The Frozen Soundtrack!' We all sang along which really lifted my sprirts!
"Wet I gooooo" Jake and Soph sang at the top of their lungs, but they can't really pronounce there words properly yet. Anabele was beaming and for once i was happy...

"Hi zoe." Louise and Tan opened the door. Both weren't overly happy but they didn't really have many reasons to. Matt and Jim are still injured from a car crash they were both in. This really bought Louise and Tanya closer. They both dislike their jobs. Tanya works in a nursery and Louise works in a cafe. The only thing that brings us all together and keeps us happy is our children. Tanya has a girl named Lisa (3) and a boy named Charlie (6) and Louise has darcey who is 9 now.
We sat down on the sofas with some tea whilst Darcey, Lisa, Anabele and Soph played with dolls and Charlie was looking after Jake.
"So... Have you found a job yet?" Louise started off the conversation
"No. I have tried but no one is interested"
Next it was Tanyas turn:
"How are the kids and Alfie"
I wanted to tell them about Anabele and her sickness but metioning hospitals was not the best thing to bring up in front of them both.
The question and answer thing kept going and the tension you could cut with a knife. I was not in the mood to talk anymore and i had to meet Alfie at Pizza Express at 6. Maybe i could surprise him at work early!
"I had better get going"
They both looked at me and nodded uncomfortably.
I put the twins in their buggy and held Anabeles hand. Louise was just about to shut the door-
"Look," i said " I know this probably didn't go to plan but why are you and Tan leaving me out, its not my fault the Youtube world collapsed. If we didnt have our children we probably wouldnt be here right now. I know you are going through hard times but me and Alfie arent really talking and Anabeles always ill-" my voice was getting louder and I was crying - "no one likes me DO YOU KNOW THE LAST TIME I SAW TROYE, JOE, TYLER???! NO NO ONE WANTS ME! I STILL GET PANIC ATTACKS!" I was now scaring the kids. Louise looked at me sympathetically but i didn' need her sympathy... maybe i did
"Look i will ring you later, i am going to surprise Alfie at work" i quickly added a sorry to the end, got in the car and drove as far away as i could...

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