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A faint knock sounded at the door which I thought was quite weird. It must've been Yunho and Jongho so I got up and answered it. Outside the door stood a messy haired San. He walked in and stumbled onto me.

"What's wrong with you?" I said shocked as to the way he was acting when he was supposed to come tutor my son. He cleared his throat and stood up straight looking at me with reddened eyes.

"N-nothing." He mumbled clearly drunk. I could smell the strong smell coming off of him.

I now had two options:
1. Send him back home when it's pouring and cancel the tutoring session.
2. Let him stay here while I go buy some hangover medicine.

Now of course I chose two because I don't want him to get hurt because I need him for my son.

"Your drunk aren't you?" I said shaking from my trail of thought. San nodded like a child and bit his lips.

"Maybe~" He said giggling slightly.

'That explains the text.' I sighed to myself and put his arm in my grasp walking him to my bedroom.

"Sit tight I'm going to buy you some hangover medicine." I said walking away before a hand grabbed my wrist. "Or come with me.." I sighed as he followed me into the pouring rain. I opened the door for him making sure he didn't fall.

"Where are we going?" He said playing with the air vent switches.

"To get you some medicine fool." I said slightly becoming annoyed with his actions.

"Okie." He said quietly tapping his other hand. The drive was awkward as San fidgeted with everything and hummed quietly.

"Sit here I'm gonna go in." I said stopping the engine and San smiled in response. I shook my head in disturbance as I got out of the vehicle. I ran straight to where 'Zero Hangover' was because I've bought quite a few times for Yunho and his boyfriend, Mingi, when they come over drunk.

I walked to the counter and to my surprise behind it was Yeosang.

"Hey!" I said as he smiled and took the contents and scanned them.

"You don't seem drunk?" He said confused bagging my items.

"Oh no for my friend." I said as Yeosang nodded knowing our friend group was quite party animals, so he would never expect them to be for San.

"Have a good day, Wooyoung." He said waving as I walked outside to my car. The rain still going heavy as it poured on me.

By the time I got to the car San was asleep. His features lightened as his lips were parted ever so slightly.

I smiled as I started the car and San awoke from his minute nap. I laughed at his startled face.

"Here drink this." I said reaching into the bag that rested in the glove box. I pulled out the small bottle and handed it to him.

"Gosh my head is killing me." He said groggy whilst unscrewing the white cap. He downed it as if it was a shot.

"Probably because you were drunk stupid." I sighed as he put the bottle down into the bag.

"Obviously. I would hope you weren't giving me that for no reason." He said in a smart tone. I rolled my eyes trying to focus on the road.

"Yeah smart alik." I mumbled under my breath but still loud enough to hear.

"Your lucky Im tutoring your son." He said tough as if he would do anything.

"Shut up and let me drive okay? Why were you drunk in the first place?" I said turning the blinker on.

"Why not?" He said mysterious and fiddling with his loose, floppy hair.

"Also why do you have that streak in your hair?" I said as his mouth made a frown and his eyes rolled.

"Cause I want to stick out." He said smiling like crazy.

"That's not going to do any good." I said disgusted with his personality. I never really talked to him or knew him before now and I'm tired of him already.

"Sure it is. I seem to get more than you do." He said sounding accomplished of his statement. I scoffed in a unbelievable tone.

"Yeah, is that so? Well I actually have a son that I have to care for." I said rudely as the drive felt excruciatingly long.

"Not my fault you couldn't keep it in your pants. Never heard of a condom?" He said admiring his face in the pull down mirror.

"You really are something." I said clicking my tongue trying to keep my temper. I needed him to tutor Jongho because, I can't afford anyone else.

"I know." He said in a smart-alik way.

"How come I never seen you on campus?" I said confused as I never did but my friends did.

"How could you not?" He said keeping the 'I'm better than you' tone.

"Just shut up." I said continuing to bite my cheek holding back any rude comments on the boy.

"Don't lie you like talking to me." He said staring out the window after about three minutes of silence.

"Whoever told you that is lying." I said pulling into the drive way glad that I wouldn't have to talk to him for the rest of the afternoon.

🤷‍♀️ idk this is kinda a sucky story so far. it'll get good after a few fillers. also thanks for the reads <3

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