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I woke up earlier than usual to get ready since today happened to be a school trip. I got up from my bed and went to the kitchen and turned on some coffee before making my way to my bedroom again.

I packed the bag I had been planning to bring with clothes since the trip happened to be over the weekend. Yunho agreed on watching Jongho so I could have some time to enjoy it. Even though I will miss him a bunch. He also wasn't able to go only certain majors.

I put the bag on my bed and filled it with all my necessities for a trip. I went to the kitchen and poured my coffee in a to go cup and grabbed my bag. I walked to my car and loaded up. It was quite early since the school wanted us to come earlier than school was in session to leave.

When I arrived only a few cars where here so I parked near a random car. The sky was still darkened so it was hard to see who was next to me.

I looked at my phone passing time until a knock sounded at my window. I squinted my eyes unable to see who was on the other side of the glass. I rolled down the window in response to see San.

"What are you doing here?" I said abruptly surprised from his presence. San chuckled slightly and reached his hand in the car unlocking the door. I looked at him in shock before he sat down in the seat next to me tossing his bag in the back.

"Comfy?" I said sarcastically as San rolled his eyes. The over head light left on from the door being opened let me see his sleepy face.

"Sorry, but, uh, my car kind of broke down and I just want to sit in yours." He said quietly before leaning on the seat and closing his eyes.

"I- okay." I said smiling softly as he looked sleepy and I didn't want to bug him. There was quite some time till we left so there was no reason to worry.

"Wooyoung?" San said mumbling tiredly. I looked back at him as the sky has lightened up to a pale orange from the sunrise.

"San?" I said looking at his still sleepy state. His eyes were closed and his mouth was in a pout. Sans pouted lips turned into a smile as he opened his eyes.

"Can I room with you on the trip?" He said looking at me with a sparkle in his eye.

"I mean, yeah I didn't really ask my friends to room with any of them..." I said feeling kind of bummed out most of my friends were dating and I was just like usual, by myself.

"Okay..." He said nodding and turning away. Resuming his cat nap before we had to leave.

"San, it's time to go." I said shaking him about ten minutes later. San squinted his eyes before nodding. I grabbed both our travel bags and got out of the motionless vehicle.

San did the same and got out on his side. His lips formed into a smile as he looked at me. I shook it off and carried our things to the front of the school where a bus was parked.

"Come on." I said to San as he followed me onto the bus. I sat down as he sat beside me.

"Uhm.. I put your things with mine." I said breaking the short silence. San looked towards the seat in front of us and nodded softly.

"Are you okay?" I said as San was acting stranger than usual. He was oddly quiet and tired. He directed his eyes to me before looking away.

"Hmm? Oh yeah I'm okay." He said sounding monotone so I couldn't tell how he was.

"Just okay?" I said unsure of his answer. The bus started and we were on our way to an out of town field trip to Busan for a weekend trip. We were heading to a train station to ride to Busan.

"I guess so." San said seeming as he wanted to end our conversation at that. So I caved and quit talking.

The ride to the train station was not long at all. Since our school wasn't far from the near train station. I smiled lightly as I followed San off the bus to the train.

We gave the man our tickets and got seated onto the train. I sat beside San as who else did I have to sit by.

San was still being quiet which was unlikely of him, but I ignored it as he didn't seem to want to talk.

I slowly became drowsy and fell asleep as the train ride was quiet peaceful. I woke up to San eating a cracker.

"Good morning." San smiled covering his mouth. "Here." He said feeding me the cracker he had just bit off.

Before I could respond, I was having a cracker shoved in my mouth. I ate it as I was quite hungry. San smiled softly before grabbing another and giving it to me.

really just a filler so :(
but like thx sm for everyone who's reading this i'm in break so expect wank uploading cause i am lazy

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