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Foxy is my best friend and I like hanging out with this guy. But the one thing is that...I like him more then just a friend. It's weird that I fallen for my best friend but I can't control what I feel. I watch him as he leads us to the dining room. His nice tone muscular back was toward me, his wild red hair bouncing off his head as he walks. He looks back to makes sure I'm still following me and grins. I grin back I couldn't help it that guy has a affect on me, I felt my heart beating. I really want to tell him how I feel just to get it over with to see if he likes me or not. But as usual I'm a chicken at this.....I don't want to lose him.

"Ay lad! We are here!" Said Foxy voice breaking my thoughts. I look up as he set some chairs down and goes off somewhere. I go and sit down on a chair, as I wait for him. He comes back with a pack of beers, he shakes them and grins at me.

"Oh Foxy....are we really going to drink again." I chuckled, I find it amusing how Foxy is when he's drunk and well I can't hold my liquor but Foxy can. But well Foxy if he drinks more then he gets really funny and interesting.

"Ay lad but ye and me need a drink." He smiles as he sets the pack of beer down on the table.

He sat down and took two out of the pack and hands one to me. I took from him and nod my thanks as I look at the beer. It was one of our favorites that the parents of the kids drink sometimes it was called Budweiser. I don't how long we been drinking this when we change into humans. Foxy just came along and found these and thought we should drank it and from that day we been drinking it.

"Bottoms up Lad." Foxy takes the cap off and chugs it down in one gulp and place it on the table and gets another one.

"And here we go again." I chuckled as I drank mine, I watch as Foxy shakes his head and laughs.

I love how he laughs it's a hearty laugh with his pirate accent. It fun too see him drink after this second it went to third to fourth to so on. Foxy limit has to be at 10 if he drinks even at least one more out of that he would be over the moon here. So I made sure he was on his best behavior right now he's at 5 so I have to keep my eye on him. Foxy finished off his fifth and puts it down next to the others.

"Yar har har...Lad ye got to be kiddin me ye got to finish that." Foxy points at the bottle of mine. I smiles and chug it down and put it down.

"There foxy I'm done with it happy?" I chuckled, he grabbed another one and gives it to me.

"Here lad." I shook my head and took it.

"Your peer pressuring on drinking more." I teased him, Foxy puts a hand to his heart pretending to be offended.

"Ay lad ye got to be kiddin would never do that to ye." Foxy grins as he laughs. I laugh with him as I chug my down in one gulp.

I liked how the alcohol made me feel, it made me giddy and happy. The more I drink the more I feel like loose about everything. Foxy grabbed one for himself and hands one to me again. Soon we were there drinking our beers I got to 5 and Foxy at 9 now. Mostly I would drink 3 but I went with my limit, feeling my head feeling fuzzy, I watch Foxy singing his little pirate song. I smiled at him he looks so happy such a dork he was but a cute one. Foxy finished his ninth one and gets his tenth. Well that well be his last now if he gets one more then I have to stop him...well maybe If I can...I feel kind of drunk right now. My head not working at all at this point.

"Yar har! Matey ye can't hold ye liquor at all." Foxy chuckles as he points the bottle To me.

"Hah...your funny." I said, putting a hand on my cheek feeling it was really warm.

Foxy shook his head and smiles as he chugged his last one down. That last drink got him there now, his smile soon dropped into his lazy one, his eyes were getting hazing when he was at his limit at drinking. He put his bottle away and his cheeks were flushed, as he chuckles out of nowhere.

"Hah...why you laughing Foxy?" Foxy chuckles didn't stop as he leans on his chair. I couldn't help but chuckle with him it was contagious when you were drunk. Foxy grabbed another drink, I slowly got up and wobbling from my feet I went over and grab his wrist. " can't." Foxy lazily look up at me and gave me his signature drunken grin, that made my heart beat faster.

"Ay lad ye got to let me....come on." He looks up at me with those yellow eyes pleading at me for one drink more.

" can't." Foxy chuckles as he cocked his head to the side like he was a puppy.

"Please." He begs and chuckles. I grin maybe....I can steal a kiss from him he won't remember what well happen after this so maybe...this is the perfect opportunity to get one.

"Alright Foxy....but if this one...thing for me." I smile at him, Foxy grins as he gets up.

"Ay? What is it?" Foxy looked excited from all that drinking it made him more cute to want to kiss him without tell him.

"You can have you drink......if I can kiss you." I watch as he took this in for a moment and shrugs as he grins.

"Ay really? Is that be it? Fine!" Foxy took the bottle chugging it down in one gulp and puts it down, and steps close to me. Foxy past him limit now....he was way drunk now he won't remember what well happen after this. I place a hand softly on his cheek as his yellow eyes look at me with amusement. I guess he found this a game in his drunken mind but I well take it anyway. I slowly brushed my lips against his as he smirks.

"Ay lad ye are not kissing me....that not thy deal."

Foxy teased as he bring his lips onto mine, catching me off guard as he wraps a arm around my neck as he brings me down to deepen the kiss. I felt his hot breath in mine as our breath ranked of alcohol but I didn't care. I wrap my arms around his waist as I soon got power over his lips again, Foxy groans as I propped his lips open and slip my tongue open. Our tongues interacting each other, I watch as his yellow eyes soften with drunk lust as he playfully run his hands through my hair.

I felt so nice to have Foxy playing in my hair and his tongue with mine, I slowly lowered my hands from his waist to his ass. He had a nice ass, as I squeeze it playfully. He gave me a reaction as I squeeze his ass, he tugged my hair abit pulling me more down. I groan in his mouth as our kiss becomes intense feeling his body get really close to me. Soon he broke the kiss a string of our saliva connecting our lips as he look at me with those lusty drunk eyes of his. He was breathing heavily as he lick his lips, I didn't even notice I was losing my breath to. That kiss was amazing, his arms were still around me as he grins.

"Ay know lets go further~." He softly says making me shiver with want. He slowly pulls me along to the floor, him on the bottom and me on top. He unbuttons my shirt taking my jacket off. I shrug out of my jacket and watch his fingers work on my purple collared shirt. Soon he got it open and softly traced my chest making me shiver with his touch. I gulp knowing I shouldn't be doing this.....taking advantage of him like this would be was alright with the kiss but....doing it with Foxy without him knowing would be bad...

"Foxy....we can't." Foxy look up at me lazily.

"Oh?~" he chuckles as he takes his hands away, taking his shirt off as well revealing his nice body. "Are ye sure about that don't ye want to fuck me?" I widen my eyes as he said that....I did but...I can't.... Foxy grab one of my hands and placed it over his heart, I felt his heart beating.

"Come on.....Lad don't ye~." Foxy made my hand travel from his chest down To his smooth stomach. Making him shiver and soon slipping my hands down inside his pants making me feel his crotch, I groan as Foxy groan too. I felt his cock under my hand, so badly want to touch him.....Foxy squirms under me, his eyes looking at me with need. "Please....Lad....I'm getting horny." Foxy groans making myself turned on.....seeing Foxy Like this....was making it very hard to refuse. I felt his hand leave my hand under there as he put that hand to his lips biting on to it. I bit my lip not knowing what to do....this was the hardest decision I have to make.....what do I do?.......

"What the hell is going on here!" Yelled a voice that send a cold down my spine.

Freddy x Foxy x BonnieWhere stories live. Discover now