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" head." I said as I got up from my bed making it cream under my weight. Even as a animatronic that hangover gets to you still. It was 2 in the afternoon must of been really tired after drinking all that beer.....hopefully Bonnie is alright...and hopefully nothing I did was embarrassing. Foxy move his jaw abit and then gets off the bed.

He goes over to the curtains to take a peek, he see his friends hanging out with the kids. He saw Chica serving pizza to the kiddies, Bonnie looked alright he seem pretty normal playing his guitar for the kids, then my gaze wondered to Freddy. Once again there he was laughing and looking like himself as usual.....But something was kinda of off about him, after watching Freddy a lot he knew something was up. Freddy seems a bit uneasy about something. I wonder what it is?

(Skipping to the pizzeria closing)


"Ugh..." I stretched myself as I got back to my human body. It felt great to be human but just not with the quick pain that you get when you changed back from animatronic to human. I ran a hand through my hair as i walked around, soon I bump into Freddy.

"Omph!" Freddy and I say at the same time. I look up at him and instantly bit my bottom lip nervously. I hoped he wasn't mad at me ....for yesterday....that was probably the one time I would ever kiss Foxy and it was worth it and him got carried away.

"Oh Bonnie.....umm...excuse me." He said awkwardly his blue eyes wandering around for something as he nod his head and walk past by me. I watch him go and scratched my head. He was acting....weird was it because of me? Maybe....but no he looked kind of distracted like he was looking for someone......I shrugged and shook my head and headed to the kitchen to chat with Chica.


Ugh.....I can't stop thinking about it.......I can't stop imagining Foxy naked and looking so helpless.....I can't stop thinking how great it was to hear his moans.....I don't know what the heck is going inside my head.

"Omph!" I bumped into one, I look and it was Bonnie. Bonnie look at me nervously as he bit his bottom lip. He must think I was mad at him for yesterday....oh god I don't want to think of it....wait if he is here...I look around.

"Oh Bonnie....umm..excuse me..." I nod my head and walk past by him, hoping Foxy wasn't around. I didn't want to see Foxy at all....until I understand what the hell I'm feeling. I walk to the hallway to go to my room, soon I got there I went to my desk and rummage for some paper to write a few notes of something important. I hear a soft knock on my door I look up with a smile but soon the smile went away as my heart thumped against my chest as I see it was Foxy. Foxy smile disappeared as he see I wasn't smiling at him no more he looked nervous.

"um.. Ahoy been wandering if ye alright?" He asked as he look at the floor. I tipped my head to the side and didn't understand what he meant by that.

"Um...I'm fine...." I said awkwardly as I shuffle some papers, as I drop my gaze and looked at the papers instead. Foxy stood there for awhile as he softly rubbed his arm. "Is...there something else?" I asked without looking up, Foxy didn't say anything for awhile and shrugs.

"Heh...nothing me just worried about ye." He chuckles softly and coughs abit. " be going now...."

"Yeah ...see ya.." I said as I nod my head, he stood there not knowing what to do and left. ".......God...." I shook my head, I don't know how to be myself......I touch my chest as my heart stop beating. Man....that was....I can't understand what happening....hopefully I can somehow avoid him i should think about closing my door next time.....

Freddy x Foxy x BonnieWhere stories live. Discover now