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Everything was going badly.....Bonnie been acting strange...when we hang out he looked kind of out of it...or seemed kind of trying to hard not showing he was guilty of something.....but most of all....Freddy have been avoiding me a lot....once we see each other in the hallway he would not acknowledge I was there or say hi to me he just nod his head and walk past by me. We don't even talk no more, he didn't want to even look at me and....and it feels like he didn't want me around him or don't want anything do with me. Every time I feel a glimmer of hope when I see him but soon my heart gets crushed from him as soon he past by me or don't acknowledge me. I watch him with sad broken eyes as he walks by me.....I want to know what...I did wrong...this was too cruel...what did I do to deserve this....

Again I bump into Freddy, his blue eyes didn't show any emotion as he noticed it was me. I smiled weakly at him but he didn't smile at all he nods, but soon I felt that was it I grabbed his arm. He stiffens when I grabbed him making me feel more hurt but I didn't cared. I was ready to explode and I want to to yell at him for the cruelty, so I turn him around.

"WHAT THY HECK BE WRONG WITH YE!" I yelled making Freddy eyes widen, he never heard me yell before this well be the first and last I well do this.


Again I bumped into Foxy....this must be some kind of sign...because I always bumped into him...I didn't want to bump into him at all I needed to get away from him...but now here we are again...I felt really bad and felt a little of myself break seeing how Foxy was getting hurt by this but....I don't know what the hell is going on I really don't wanna be hanging around him....I don't get why my heart beat so fast when I see him or ....the ache to touch as usual I looked at him a neutral face and nod my head and past by him....but this time Foxy grabbed my arm, I felt the weird sensation of him touching making me stiffen, I felt Foxy react to this and turned me around.

"WHAT THY HECK BE WRONG WITH YE!" He yelled at me, I felt my eyes widen in surprise and shock. Foxy never raised his voice before....or got angry before, his yellow eyes were blazing with anger and hurt. He was clenching his fist as he narrowed his eyes. "YE BEEN IGNORING ME, AVOIDING ME AND NOT BLOODY TALKING TO ME NO MORE!!!"

He growled as he pushed my chest in anger, making me step back. He came up to me and kept on pushing and poking me as he continues to get mad at me. "YE BEEN DOING TIS FOR A LONG WHILE YE DONT KNOW WHAT YE DOING TO ME!!!!! YE DONT KNOW HOW HURT ME AM!!" He growled, his eyes were getting watery as he pushed me one last time. "YE ARE A JERK!!!! ME HOPE YE HAPPY WHAT YE DOING TO ME!!!! " tears began to fall down his cheeks, I felt my heart broke as he began tear up I reach my hand out and that was a mistake because he slapped my hand away from him.

"DONT YE TOCUH ME!!!!I DONT NEED YE SYMPATHY WHATEVER YE HATED ME FOR DOESNT MATTER!!!ME THOUGHT YE WERE A GREAT GUY.......I LIKED YE FOR PETE SAKE..." That felt like a slap in the face......Foxy just said he liked me.....wait....WHAT? He....he liked me?.. Foxy glared as me as he ran away leaving me on my own as I couldn't progress what the hell happened.

I stood there like a idiot not knowing how I could progress this in my head......Foxy confessed he liked me.....not as a friend...he liked me more then that. I felt my heart beat thump as I remember him saying he liked me....wait...does that mean I like Foxy too? it couldn't be....but....I grabbed my fine brown hair in frustration and sat down on the floor. So if Foxy liked me.....all those time....we talked, we laugh and all those good memories......he liked me? Did....did I not noticed that....God I'm a idiot....but ...I only began to like him because of what happened ...but the way he started crying....he looked so cute when he was like him?....this is something I don't know....


I felt bad for treating Foxy these past long while......I haven't been treating him the same as I use to....and I'm guessing he knows I'm the guilt is eating me up.....I want to tell him what the heck happened but I'm worried.....maybe I should tell him be best if I did... Hopefully he's in his cove... I began walking toward the direction to his cove, I see Chica standing outside his cove worried. I rushed over to Chica side, her eyes look at me with concern.

"What happened Chica?"

"....Foxy...he's took...some drink and ran to the dove with tears streaming down his cheeks....I'm worried but he won't let me in..." She sighs sadly as she tears up. "And I'm afraid....I don't want him doing anything wreckless."

"Here let me try just go get Freddy maybe he can help too." I said softly Chica nods and runs off. I softly cough and spoke softly.

"'s Bonnie."

" Ye want..." He replied with a sad voice that broke my heart.

"I'm....I'm worried about you pal....Chica told me that you came in there with drinks and was crying." I heard the clinking of beer as I hear him gulp it down.

"......... You don't need to be worried....just leave me alone...let me wallow up in my pity..." I clenched the curtains, I didn't like how negative he was.

"foxy I'm coming in alright?"

"........" He didn't reply back so I took my chance and entered. I see him on his bed as he took another drink out of the bottle, I look down at the floor he was on his tenth now.....I can't let him drink no more then that now....especially how sad looking he looked.

"Foxy?....." I said softly, he look up his sad yellow eyes look at me. I went over to him and took the beer from him as I gently placed it on the floor he protested but I shook my head.

"Bonnie...what are ye doing me need that...that be what helping me..." He whimpered, I sat down on the bed next to him.

"Look Foxy...I don't know what happened but look you can't wallow in your sadness with's unhealthy." Foxy sadly sighs as he began to shake.

"B-but....f Freddy is being cruel to me by talking to me, and nothing he just don't acknowledge me......" Foxy began to tear up and looks at me. "and ye....YE are acting weird thought me be losing YE afraid both of YE are acting so yelled at Freddy and now ye are here... Me don't...know I can't take it..." He began to cry softly, my heart burst with so much sadness....I didn't know this was bothering him...I don't get why Freddy was acting that way to him but.....I'm doing the same thing I felt bad....I grabbed Foxy shoulder softly, I grab his chin and made him look at me.

"Look Foxy....I'm sorry I been acting weird.....and I don't know why Freddy is acting that way too but look the good thing is look I'm sorry I did that I don't hate you or's just I been feeling guilty." Foxy look at me with teary eyes.

"Why?....why are ye guilty? YE never done anything bad..." I shook my head and sigh.

"I have...look remember when we were drunk...I do remember what happened I just lied so you won't know the real truth."

"What happened." His eyes look at me with such sad lost look.

"I....I....well You drank more then 10 you drank you 11th one and well you became officially drunk and I was too at three and you know I can't hold my liquor." I softly chuckle making Foxy smile abit. "But....look I have to admit something Foxy.....I....I like you." Foxy eyes he open his mouth but I shook my head. "It's more then a friend......I stopped you from drinking it but then I got idea to have you kiss me first before you drank your 11th drank so you did and well you dranked it and acted weird and I know, I shouldn't be using you when you were unguarded. You were drunk and I was drunk and well I don't know you acted really wanted me Foxy and well I wanted you too...we kissed with such passion...and well you pulled me down the floor and grabbed my hand and put it under your boxer to your cock..." Foxy took this all in, his face flushed red as he looks away from my gaze embarrassed.

" didn't know Me did....that...Me sorry was couldn't control me self....." He bit his lower lip as looks up at me. " didn't know ye liked me either......but..." I shook my head as I clenched his shoulder.

"I really do like you Foxy...I'm sorry if you don't feel the same but please I want to try I love you too much....." I look up at him with wanting eyes, he gulps as he looks down once again.

"........" He didn't answer I felt myself get uneasy. "But Freddy..." That stung......of course.....I should of know the way Foxy always gaze a Freddy and the way he was with was obvious....he didn't see it that why...because he was blind by his love for a foxy.....

"....." Foxy reach his hand out and touch my cheek.

"Me sorry Bonnie like Ye but me don't know in that way..."

"I'm sorry Foxy but... I need you..." I softly sigh as I crashed my lips onto his.

Freddy x Foxy x BonnieWhere stories live. Discover now