He was here

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Stormy POV
My head was throbbing. I couldn't sleep. I've woken up multiple times tonight just because I was having another nightmare about him... I turned my head and saw Ashton fast asleep on the uncomfortable chair in the room. I repositioned myself trying to get comfortable but I couldn't not if he was still out there.

It's like he's haunting me. Tears were bring my eyes and I tried going back to sleep. But all I could do is sob. Then someone opened the door. My sobs stopped and I turned my head slowly to look at the door. My breath hitched in my throat as soon as I saw the dark figure move into the room. "Who's there?" I asked. The figure laughed tauntingly. "Who's there!" I asked in a more harsh tone.

"I'm surprised!" He said shocked "How can you not remember my laughs by now?!" And that's when I knew. It was him. I was about to scream but nothing came out of my mouth, I felt defenseless. Useless. Good for nothing. My breathing became shallower every step he took towards me. I whispered "Ashton?! Please wake up!"

"Ah, ah, ah, I wouldn't do that if I were you." I quickly shut up. "Why are you doing this?" I said lower than a whisper. "Because," He had to refrain himself from yelling at me. "Because, you drove your mother away from me!" He whisper yelled at me and took another step forward. I sunk back into the hospital bed trying to get as far away from him as possible.

But it was useless. He grabbed my arm and made my face him "And you will pay!" He seethed. Tears fell down my cheeks. My father jabbed my stomach with his hand where a bruise that he gave me was. I cried out in pain. Which made Ashton stir in his sleep. I wanted to scream. But my vocal cords kept failing on me. He dug further into my stomach.

Once he was done I was slumped over in the fetal position. "See you in a few days!" He waved and plastered a big fake smile on his face. Finally I got up the courage to speak words I yelled "He was here!" Ashton jumped out of his seat and looked around frantically for danger. Ashton looked at me with tired eyes and asked groggily "Did you have another nightmare?" "No!" I exclaimed "He was right here!" I motioned at the door. While the water works were lighting up again.

I let out a deep breath trying to calm myself down. Ashton was too tired to think straight so he just said "You probably had another nightmare!" "No I didn't, why won't you listen to me!" I yelled at him in frustration while getting my teeth. Ashton apologized. And he tried to go back to the chair where he had been sleeping for the past few nights that I had been here.

I tugged a corner of his shirt. Ashton turned to me with a confused look on his face. "S-stay?" I asked hoping he would say yes. He nodded. And I made room for him on my bed. He slowly climbed onto the hospital bed. He wrapped an arm around my waist. I was put at ease with Ashton there beside me. And I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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