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OKAY before u start reading: her name is kim hana. sorry for any confusion lol _______________________________

 sorry for any confusion lol _______________________________

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"Kim Hana?"

Said girl looks up from her desk. She has pages and files scattered, her laptop sits in front of her as she works through the emails and presentations she needs to be ready with. However, distraction comes in the form of a pretty looking bouquet of yellow and white daisies. Her eyebrows instantly shoot up; the pen from her hand slipping on the desk with no sound as the man enters her cubicle with a polite smile.

"These are for you."

"Oh," she says with a simple nod. "Thank you."

He tips his hat and leaves her quietly with the flowers. As much as she's confused, she's in a hurry to quickly touch the petals; they're soft and a little damp and when she puts her nose to them she's welcomed with the prettiest of smells. Instinctively, a smile spreads on her face. Her fingers go fishing for a card and she's relieved to find one, grasping onto a rectangular piece of card but before she can read it she's interrupted. She quickly places it on her table, her hand covering it.

"Woah," Chaeyoung, her coworker and friend, stops at the entrance. "These are beautiful."

She enters casually, a teasing smile on her face as she looks at Hana. "Had a good time with Lucas?"

Hana rolls her eyes playfully. "I haven't met him in a week."

"Oh?" She replies confused, "well then, who are these from?"

Hana moves her hand sneakily, the card underneath her palm moving with it as she hides it underneath the stack of papers. "I have no clue, it came without a card." She feigns a pout.

Her friends eyes twinkle in mischief. "That's even more exciting. It seems you have a secret admirer."

Hana giggles at her friend, her long nails tapping against the surface of her desk. "Please, no one has secret admirers in this day and age."

"You're twenty-three..." she trails off as if to remind her she's still young.

"Whatever," Hana says. She's anxious to read the note but she doesn't want to read it in front of Chaeyoung. She loves her blond friend but she's curious and always has a knack to gossip.

"Anyways, I just had to remind you of the meeting we have with boss today. Don't forget."

Hana raises her hand in a thumbs up as an affirmative, keeping the conversation short. When her friend finally departs, she rises from her seat just a little to make sure she's really gone. With the coast clear, she plucks out the card from underneath and reads it with an excited puff of breath.

Just a little something to brighten your day. Hope you like them :)


Hana's heart flutters immediately. The smile on her face widening even more as she reads over the sentence again and again. She notices the little curves in his characters and how the eyes of the smiley are perfect in size. Always the perfectionist.

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