Chapter Sïxteeñ

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He sat on the couch completely emotionless, he was watching how I met your mother. He was smiling at something that Barney had said, whenever he chuckled his muscles would flex. Whenever he caught me staring he'd smile before turning back to the tv.

At one point we had a snack break, and he had decided that he wanted to make a milkshake, when he got to the last it it, some fell on his chest. He slowly wiped it up with his finger his tongue darting out to slowly suck in the left over milkshake.

I was so envious of his finger and that cream. He knew that I was dying I got so uncomfortable that I needed to leave the room. He was so hot and manipulating if I stayed In the room for another second I would melt.

I decided to sit in my room and read. Once I was situated I started reading the book ally left me. She had said that if I wanted to be more confident with my body to read this book. It was called fifty shades of grey.

But after the first couple pages I was bored and embarassed. Who the hell cares about your inner goddess. I didn't care to read anymore as it was too vulgar for me. I quickly threw it back into ally's room with a note.

When I was finally situated in bed in came Harry. He yawned stretching, flexing his muscles again. I'm surprised I wasn't drooling.

He slowly walked towards the bed bending til he was hovering right over me. I swallowed slowly watching him watch my movements.

"Your on my side." He says

"Sorry" I whisper back but I can't move

He has me stuck in his gaze. He keeps looking at me before sniffing me slowly. And then suddenly I feel something wet against my neck. He's trailing his tongue ever so lightly over my sensitive spot. Not hard enough to give me pleasure, just enough to make me want more.

I start to whimper before pushing his face harder into my neck, he finally obliges, sucking on my neck harder. Making me sigh in pleasure. When he's satisfied he sits up on his elbows grinning at me. He leans down to kiss me but I place a finger to his lips.

Winking I slide out from under him and move to my side. I know he's watching so I make sure he catches a glimpse of what's underneath his shirt before laying down.

"I'm glad we're friends again" I say winking.

He just looks at me, his eyes calculating. Before he smirks. He lays down close to me pulling me into his chest. The heat coming off his chest is comforting I wrap my arms around him snuggling in.

He pulls up my shirt before drawing slow patterns against my skin. He sings softly till I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

The next morning I'm groggily woken up by the sound of a phone going off. When I find the source if the irritating noise I throw it. But soon enough another phone goes off, this time I check it to see that it's six o clock. Oh shit!

"Harry Harry get up we gotta get ready" I growl. Before jumping out of bed and taking a shower.

When I come back into my room I see Harry slowly getting up. When I come in he grins at my before rubbing is eyes.

"Good morning luv" he says

That damn morning voice. Gets me weak kneed ever single time, had I not Been in a rush I would've became a puddle of goo. I head to my closet before telling Harry to take a shower now since he wouldn't have time to at his.

I pull on some a ripped skinny jeans before putting Harry's shirt back on. It's baggy but still it's way more comfortable thank anything I want to look for. I pull me wet long hair into a bun and put on some glasses. Picking up my phone and Harry's I head to the kitchen to grab us each a to go cup of coffee and a bagel. When I finish Harry is already jumped out of the shower, he wears his joggers and his sweatshirt before taking a bagel in his mouth and running out the door.

We both sprint to his car chugging our warm coffee stopping at Harry's for about a minute before rushing to school. When we finally stop running I kneel over breathing hard. That was the most exercise I've had in awhile.

Startled I look at Harry. He's burst out laughing buckling over as he bond a piece of paper. Frowning I yank it from Him, to look at what's written.

Dear student English class, we shall have a short lesson at 10:00 please be there,

Sincerely your professor

I glare at Harry hitting him in the arm. He then holds up his phone showing me the text he got from the professor. It then dawned on me that it was partially my fault as I threw Harry's phone when it started ringing. I couldn't help but giggle realizing we were four hours early.

Harry and I then went back to my house watching tv until it was time to go. This time when we got there we were on time, and there at the right time.

Throughout the lesson I could feel someone glaring at me, but I was too busy muffling my laughter when ever Harry would shoot me a knowing glass before indicating at the door.

But when the lesson was over and I was waiting for Harry by his car, I found out who had been staring at me through class time.

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