Chapter Twentÿ

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Harry shoves me into his car, pulling my seatbelt tight against my body before shutting my door and jumping in his side. He's grumbling as he speeds out of the parking lot. Causing quite a dew people to honk at him as he swerves out into ongoing traffic. The pissed of aura he's giving off is enough to keep my mouth shut, silently praying that he doesn't kill us in a wreck. When he's finally somewhat calmer he's pulled up to his house. Jumping out his side again he cones over to my door, wrenching it open and jerking me out. I'm silent as he carries me into his house. He stomps up the stairs but bothering to turn on any lights before throwing me on his bed.

The wind is knocked out of me as I stare up at him in a daze. He loosens his shirt before crawling over to me and slamming his lips to mine. He nips at the outside of my lips before I open my mouth to him. His tongue moves in, starting a wicked dance with my own. He by in my lip before licking it. When he finally pulled away both if us were breathing heavy.

When he came back he kissed me harder yanking on my hair, I returned his ferocity attacking his lips biting them hard before nipping at his neck. I had my hands pulled tightly into his curls. I could feel his anger with every kiss he have me. When I pulled away this time, I could feel a metallic rusty rates in my mouth. Touching my lip I could tell that he had drawn blood. Looking at my finger in shock he swiftly got up, heading to his bathroom. When he came back he had a rag, after pressing it to my lips he went to the opposite side of the room. Getting out pajamas for us both.

"Talk to me" I say watching as his back is tense and when he walks over to me his expression is stony.

"Did I do something wrong" I ask again, taking the clothes he got for me in hand.

When he again doesn't answer, I get up off the bed and head into the bathroom. I scrub off my make up and pull my hair up into a bun. I take off my heels, singing when my feet are out of those uncomfortable shoes. Putting on Harry shirt, I walk it slowly. Watching as Harry sits not he edge of the bed in sweats, his head in his hands.

I walk over to him bending down so that ok kneeling to where his head is. I stroke the back of his neck, waiting for him to open up to me.

When he finally looks at me, I can tell that he's confused. Biting down on his lip he gently takes my face in his hand. I lean into it, before kissing his palm and looking up at him.

{Harry's POV}

When she looks up at me with those big innocent eyes, I just about loose it. I can see so many emotions, each of them making my heart pound. I look away, I don't need to be weak. If I'm to protect her I can't be weak. But when I look back at her I can't help but cave. I pill her up so that she's sitting on my lip, I kiss her bottom lip that I accidentally bit too hard into before taking a deep breath.

"I don't like when guys touch you" I say

"The only guy that touches me is you, so I'm a bit confused" she says softly looking into my eyes.

"Tonight that guy had you pressed against him" I saw clenching my haw at the memory.

The way my kitten was pressed up against another dude was fresh on my mind. The way she had looked up at him in surprise. When he kissed her freaking hand! She belonged to me no one was allowed to touch what was mine.

Just thinking about another guy touching ger was making me feel funny. I tightened my arms around her as she gently wrapped her arms around my neck, pressing her face into me.

{aridas POV}

"Tell me what you're thinking" I say kissing his cheek softly.

"Your Mine. No one us allowed to touch you intimately" he says angry.

My heart beat increased when he says 'Mine.' It makes me happy, I can't help but kiss him. He holds my face kissing me softly, so different from anything else. I pull back to smile at him.

He wraps his arms around my waist holding me tightly. Before standing up. He holds me up, walking out if the room. I simply relax in his strong arms, not minding where we go as long as I'm with him.

Suddenly a cold surface is placed against my butt making me jump. Harry smiles at me before moving around the kitchen gathering various junk foods. Once he's finished he picks me up bridal style, carrying me and the food back to his room.

He plops me down on the bed. Before starting the tv and moving back to cuddle with me.

Okay do things might seem a but boring now but shits about to get real ;)

I didn't edit oops :/ hey please vote comment share and fan!!!

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