Understanding Your Alcohol Addiction: The Path to Healing

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Understanding Your Alcohol Addiction:
The Path to Healing

This book can be potentially life-changing for you or someone you know who struggles with alcohol addiction, and as a therapy medium it's the perfect way for me to convey an understanding of the dynamics of mental and emotional problems and the science of emotion. Tools like this book are great accompaniments to counselling therapy because you can use them as much as you want whenever you are ready to. I think of this book as being similar to an instruction manual, that has a lot to offer in terms of getting you to the right place where you can really start or continue a therapeutic process.  It attempts to guide you carefully through each aspect of your issue and become more knowledgeable about how addictions work. By the end you'll be able to see more of the "how" and the "why" your addiction came into existence, why it has stayed, and how to get rid of it for good. I dive right into the subject at hand, because what really matters is the value you get out of what's in here.  This is about your story, the story of your problem, and you might have been told that you were stuck with this for life, but you're not. 

This book was inspired by my friend Howie, who, unbeknownst to him, was among those who had over the years advised me to write a book. He had been the last one to do so, at which point something in me snapped and I said "fine! I'll write a damn book already! I thought this stuff pretty much went without saying, but apparently not!" So, that's how this book came about, and it's really about therapy, and getting the absolute most you possibly can from it, by understanding the mechanics of an issue that's affecting you. Therapy is about forming a plan of attack so to speak, knowing how to approach the solving of your problem, because each issue is different, and you might have to take more steps with one issue versus another. When you know more about the problem you're facing and have more clarity on the course of action to take to eliminate it, you're on the right track and can actually make some headway.  Most of the time, the major problem still exists even if you have done some work on it, and it's still lurking around in there somewhere as a constant threat. Since you want to be truly and completely free of it, the only thing that really works in a permanent way in terms of healing yourself is to take every step, especially the really difficult ones. You need to be prepared to take each next one, so, make sure you have a good handle on the last one. To get rid of it completely, you need to put yourself through the process, make peace, develop perspective, and move on. When one person makes a good change, other people know they can too, are inspired by them, and on it goes from there.

If you don't truly fix the emotional problem lurking within, the issues manifest themselves in strange ways, or they start bleeding into other issues you have, further compounding those as well potentially. Full wellness is a natural state that we really want to be in and get back to, and we are always gravitating towards that, even when we lose ground against it consciously or subconsciously with negative belief or emotional baggage. It's all the time you spend living with an issue when you don't need to, that's where you go wrong, but how can you make any progress if you don't know any better, or don't have the tools to do it? It's a wonderful feeling to be completely free of a problem that used to bother you, something perhaps you never thought you'd get over, something perhaps you took for granted as a permanent scar, and really participating in therapeutic exercises in an informed way is your path right to it. I'm going to be covering alcoholism in this book, not only fully explaining the issues and emotions behind it, but also offering you a way to help you get on the right path, in the sense where you'll know where to focus your attention during self-help exercises and/or with a therapist. Just know that everything that comes your way here is written with loving intent, with your highest good in mind, and I'm excited to get you started!

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