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The lake was only ten minutes away but the bus lady told me I needed to walk another ten minutes to even get there. Who would even come here. The sun isn't even out first of all and the lake could give you poison ivy or something.

The last place that I ever went was outside in nature. I like to be inside we're I could just lay around.

Yoo Jeongyeon I'm gonna kill you if your not here.

The lake had big rocks that people would most likely jump off into the water. On one of the rocks there were scattered clothes. A t shirt and jeans. Must be her clothes.

A head popped out of the water. There she is.
"Yoo Jeongyeon!"

She looked up at me. "I need to talk to you about something!"

She went under. "Jeongyeon! What the hell!" Get back here.

A little time went by.

She wasn't coming up. What the hell?

Ten more seconds.

Twenty more. Oh god. No

"Jeongyeon!" I put everything in my hands down and jumped in. How could she just do this right in front of me. Your not serious jeongyeon.

I had no idea where to look but she was still under. This was definitely enough time to drown. My heart rate kicked up and anxiety flooded my body. "JEONGYEON!"


"JEONGYEON!" I went under. I couldn't see anything. She still wasn't there. Oh god no.

I could hardly breath. "JEONGYEON!"
No no. Come on. "DONT DO THIS TO ME!"

She came up. Tears were falling out of my eyes at this point. I don't know why.

She grabbed my hand and swam with me to the rocks.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. YOO JEONGYEON WHY!" I screamed in her face. She was crazy.

"Why did you come after me?"

"I thought you drowned!"
A small smile formed on her face. "I wouldn't do that" who in the world holds their breath that long.

"How was I supposed to know! I can't believe you did that!"

"Why are you here?"

"To talk to you. Here" I handed her the note that she wrote.

"What's this?"

"It's a paper I found on the ground. I thought I'd come here and that's my number because I wanted to talk to you."

"Talk to me? Right.."

"I'm serious Yoo. Do you have a towel?" she shrugged but grabbed her dry shirt and threw it to me. I wiped down my face with it.

"Why would you even swim in water that cold"

"I like it" like it my ass.

"Your crazy Yoo"


Im crazy. She's crazy for jumping in like that. I wasn't going to drown. I could've though.

Now I have her number.

I opened my phone and typed her number in. I knew she was im Nayeon from my grade but what did she even want to talk about. I was afraid to even talk about anything. Wasn't she a member of the student council.

What did you want to talk about? ——

—— good you texted me

—— ok about being friends. We should hang out tomorrow after school or we could just skip and go any places you like to go?

I mostly go to the lake and no I don't want to go out or be friends ——

—— why!?

I just don't want to ——

—— come on. How about tomorrow at school you sit with me and my group

I'm not going to school tomorrow ——

—— you can't stay in that lake forever. You'll turn pruned

No I won't. It's good for my skin. It feels soothing ——

—— and friends make me feel soothed so you should come

I'll pass ——

—— come on!!!!!!!!! Jeongyeon please

If you want to see me so bad then I'll be at the lake. Goodbye ——

—— fine whatever

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