Spontaneous Weddings

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It had been about a month since school had started. Tom proposed to Hades the day after school started. The wedding would be on Christmas day. Kai was unreasonably excited. She had everything planned down to the smallest detail. Everything else was going smoothly. The twins were constantly casting doubt on Dumbledore by asking or commenting to the other teachers and the Headmaster about his obvious favoritism. Dumbledore only made matters worse by constantly removing points from the twins and trying to give them detention for no reason. He had even begun following them around to try and find their dorm. The twins of course informed the other teachers and the Headmaster. Afterward Tom began mentioning that he saw Dumbledore waiting for the twins to leave his class on many different occasions. Headmaster Dibbet ordered the other teachers to keep an eye on Dumbledore for the time being. Everything was going as planned. The only problem they had so far was with Walburga Black. She was furious with her cousin and his father when she found out the marriage contract was null and void. Like with any other pureblood marriage contract the clause about finding a mate before the wedding was always included. Walburga's parents had of course accepted the situation immediately and tried to find another match for their daughter. Their first thought had been Tom but he explained that he was mated as well, so moved on. Walburga on the other hand was not happy. She constantly tried to curse Kai. This set Kai and Orion on edge. To make matters worse Hades began to get sick. He said it was nothing, probably a bug or something, but Kai had a feeling she would soon become an aunt. One day while in Defense class with Tom, Kai had allowed her concern for Hades override her need to guard against Walburga. Hades was fine at the beginning of class. He had actually been fine all morning, no vomiting or anything. But about half way through the class his face began to gradually get paler. Kai began to shoot him worried looks until she gave up and pulled him from his seat. "Miss Slytherin-Gryffindor, what seems to be the matter?" Tom called out with his mask firmly in place. Even with his mask up, Kai could tell he was just as worried as she was. "Hades isn't feeling well. He needs to go to the hospital wing, but I'm not sure if I will be able to get him there myself. Do you mind accompanying me, Professor Riddle?" Tom simply nodded and moved to help Kai just as Hades collapsed on the ground. Tom immediately picked Hades up off the ground and led the way out of the classroom. Taking her chance Walburga shot a curse at Kai just before the door closed. Kai immediately fell to the ground. Orion jumped from his seat and rushed to Kai's side. Soon both twins were in the infirmary. Both Tom and Orion had to wait outside while the mediwitch, Madam Ó Leannáin, ran through a series of scans. As soon as they were kicked out they began pacing. Twenty minutes passed before Madam Ó Leannáin told them to come in. "I dink you two shooehld set down befahre i tell you what 'as 'appened." Her thick Irish accent made her hard to understand but they recognized enough of the words to follow her instructions. Once they were seated she cautiously took a seat in front of them. "I know you two are mated to me patients, so I'll be able to give you dis infahrmation. Befahre i do dooehgh, i wooehld like to ask if you lads are lookin fahrward to startin a family." Both boys frowned at the, seemingly, random question. "Yes, I am actually excited to start a family. I was hoping to be married and out of school before then, of course." Orion responded with uncertainty. "O' cooehrse, darlin dat is respahnseble enooehgh. What abooeht Tahm deary? Lookin fahrward to sahme lettle ahnes?" Tom nodded. "Yes, we were planning to wait until Hades finished school." She smiled happily before leading the boys to their mates. "Well, cahngratulations. you two are goin to be fathers." Tom began to choke and Orion fainted on the bed next to Kai's. It took the nurse a few minutes to bring Orion around. When she did, she explained that the curse that was fired at Kai was a mispronounced infertility curse. Instead of making her infertal it made it so that when someone, whether they be male or female, touched her, she would become pregnant with their child. She then performed a paternity spell to show that Orion was really the father of Kai's baby. She did the same test with Hades so Tom knew for sure that he would be a father. Until the test was performed,  he kept mumbling something about it being a dream. When the twins came around and found out they were both pregnant, they insisted on getting married that instant. So by lunch time an official from the Ministry came to Hogwarts along with Orion's parents and a few goblins as witnesses. They were married within an hour. Shortly after the wedding vows Madam Ó Leannáin had gotten them healers and started them on a pre-natal potion regiment. They would not be leaving the hospital wing anytime soon. 



°   "I think you two should sit down before I tell you what has happened."

°  "I know you two are mated to my patients, so I will be able to give you this information."

°  "Before I do though, I would like to ask if you lads are looking forward to starting a family."

 °  "Of course, darling that is responsible enough. What about Tom dear? Looking forward to some little ones?"

°  "Well, congratulations. You two are going to be fathers."

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