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"Wahh, it's raining... I wonder if Mikoshiba brought his umbrella..."

"(L/N), you didn't bring an umbrella?"

'Lucky! I can share my umbrella with (L/N)!!'

"I'll lend it to you."

"Huh?" You said. He had also asked himself the same thing.

'Wait! No, you idiot! You're supposed to tell her you wanted to share!'

"I can just run."


'I made a fool of myself..!' Mikoshiba was about to cry a tear but he had accidentally slipped in a puddle.

You two ended up using the umbrella.

"Ah, you're getting wet." You said.

"No no, it's fine."

"Come closer." Mikoshiba obeys and slowly gets near you. But you noticed he was still getting wet. You scoot even closer, holding his arm. The startled Mikoshiba's face reddens as he again accidentally trips on puddle making you both fall.

The two of you got home wet, with mud all over the uniform.

Black like mud


Apparently, in Japan, there's a thing like this:
February 14th: Valentine's Day
March 14th: White Day
April 14th: Black Day
^ Black Day (not to offend anyone of course) but it was a day where they all dressed in black
and celebrate their loneliness/singleness LOL (not many people heard of it) so I just wrote this ch, since I was supposed to write
a white day but I forgot to write

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