Rainey Days - (Young) DEREK HALE

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You woke up late, barely had time to brush your teeth, or in fact do anything but dress half decent. Being late meant and immediate detention and you couldn't afford another one. You rushed out the house to the bus stop which coincidentally just left. You let out an angry sigh before glumly walking off to school. For sure you would be late now. A black camaro pulled up in front of you. The shine reflecting due to the sun blinded you causing you to cover your eyes.

"Get in." A mesmerising voice you recognised as THE Derek Hale found your ears.

"What?" You asked shocked.

Derek never talked to you, let alone looked your way. You don't even think he knew your name or in fact that you existed.

"I said, get in!" He replied pulling you from your trance.

"No-No. I'm okay." I stuttered out walking off.

As if your day couldn't get any worse the grey clouds just had to rain on your already ruined parade. Within minutes you were soaked from head to toe. Your y/h/c clung to your face and made you look like a wet dog.

"Seriously if you don't get in, I'll force you to."

"Geez, okay!" You huffed out feeling annoyed while sliding into the passenger seat.

He began driving as soon as he heard the 'click' of your seat belt. After a few minutes of awkward silence you spoke.

"Why'd you help?" Realising that sounded a little rude you quickly tried to fix the situation. "I-I mean not that I'm not grateful. It's just that you've never actually interacted with me before."

"I've tried. I mean each time I went to talk to you, you were already gone. That or your friend was dragging you out because you seemed to be freaking out."

Shit. He noticed that. Maybe he knows your a werewolf. Crap if the wrong people found out, the entire school would know. You'd have to move schools or worse towns.

"Uh, yeah umm..." You tried to find an explanation to your disappearances but honestly you were just in a rush or wolfing out.

"Don't worry, I'm one too." Derek soothed causing you to snap you head in his direction.

You relaxed seeing the yellow glow of his beta eyes. You let out a relaxed sigh suddenly feeling more comfortable. The rain on the roof of the car drummed down like music to your ears. A few more minutes of silence passed before you once again broke it.


"For what?" He asked semi confused.

"For giving me a ride."

"Your welcome." Derek reached behind you to the back seat keeping his eyes on the road. You could smell the calming scent of his cologne as his body was so close to yours. "Here." He said handing you his basketball varsity jacket.

"Thanks." You said placing the jacket over your arms. "I like you." You stated.


"I mean you're not who they say you are. Sure you can be a jerk and all but you make up for it by being a nice jerk." You said punching his arm in a playful way.

"How would you know what I'm like? Derek questioned flirtatiously. "I quote 'You've never actually interacted with me before'. So how would you know?"

"I don't. But maybe you could tell me?" You hinted.

"I thought you wanted to attend school?" I questioned eyebrow quirked.

"Not if it means getting to know you." Your replied in the same flirtatious tone.

You and Derek spent the day getting to know each other down by the park stream. Expressing your interests and arguing about the things you disliked.

"Can-Can I do something spontaneous?"

"I mean, I'm not gonna stop ya'."

"Good." He said grabbing you cheek with one of his hands and passionately kissing you.

You didn't expect his spontaneous act to be the spontaneous. You always felt something for Derek, even when dating other guys you just didn't think he'd be interested in a girl like you. Realising more than a few seconds passed, you kissed back fueling the fire of passion and lust.

"I like you." Derek stated panting a little.

You could hear his heartbeat, he wasn't lying. It skipped when you replied.

"I like you too.

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