Now Is Not The Time - LIAM DUNBAR

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A echoing knock pulled you from a musings. With your pencil still being held between your hips, you glanced up, looking in the direction of your window. Even though, in the back of your mind, you already knew who it was, you felt your lips curve upwards at the sight of Liam, pressed up against your window seal, grinning.

Pulling the pencil from your lips, you carelessly tossed in back onto your bed as you scrambled off of it. You rushed over to your window, wasting no time in unlocking the small latches on either side of it and pulling upwards. "Liam," you called with a soft whisper, moving down once the window was up to greet him. Your face stopped inches away from his own as you smiled.

"Gonna let me in?" He questioned, smirking slightly.

You nodded, shifting backwards to give the boy enough space to sneak in. "You have to be quiet though," you whispered. "My dad's still at the station but Stiles is home. He'll kill you if he sees you here."

Just as you finished speaking, Liam appeared before you, the top of his head only inches above your own. Your lips curved into a smirk at the sight of him, glancing up slightly to meet his eyes as he smirked himself. "When exactly do you plan on telling him about us?" Liam asked, raising a single eyebrow. His hands came up, resting above your hips. "It's been weeks since we started officially seeing each other, months since I started sneaking in."

You shrugged, grinning defiantly as you took small steps back in the direction of your bed. "I dunno..." You mused, "I kinda like the whole secret thing. Gives me a rush."

Liam chuckled at your enthusiasm, letting you lead him by hand as he shook his head. "While you may be right... I still would like to be able to hold your hand at school, or even kiss you..."

You giggled softly as you fell back, your head bouncing slightly as Liam crawled over you. Your hand followed him, wrapped around the curve of his neck as your eyes stayed glued to his own. Biting your lip softly, you let your thumb stroke his cheek bone. "I'll tell him soon, okay?" You asked, "I promise."

Liam nodded, one hand leaving your waist to rest beside your bed.

"But for now..." You began, smirking once again as your hands begun running through his hair. "Let's just enjoy the time we have together now."

Liam grinned, wasting no time in heeding to your words. In the next second you found his lips on your own, his knees resting on either side of your waist as his hands stroked up and down your body. You leant into him, enjoying the feeling as your nails scraped across his head, moaning against his lips.

As you both shifted, you let out a little groan of pain at the feeling of something poking your back. Liam pulled back, not unaware of your discomfort as you reached behind yourself, pulling out your pencil from earlier. Once you identified the annoyance, you groaned. "Damn pencil," you muttered, chucking it away before returning your attention back on Liam.

He was already gaze at you with a soft smile, his fingers brushing back a strand of lose hair. "I love you..."

Your lips parted, surprise flooding you as you tried to find the words to say. Liam and you had only been dating for a few weeks, two months at most, and had yet to delve into the whole 'I love you', 'I love you too', thing. You definitely hadn't expected him to utter it now.

Whatever you'd been about to say was interrupted by the sound of Stiles voice. "Y/N?" He called, "can I talk to..." Your eyes widen, panic flooding you as you before you could even get Liam off of you, at the least, Stiles flung the door open. His eyes immediately fell to you, and therefore, Liam as well, who was still crawled over top of you.

His eyes widened, and a dumbfounded expression crossed his face. "Him?" He mumbled, taking a step back.

Pushing Liam off of you hastily, you stood, fixing the strap of your tank top that had slid down your shoulder. Biting your lip, you glanced behind yourself at Liam, who now sat on the bed, looking away in discomfort and then at Stiles who looked like he was about to have a stroke.

"Oh my God..." Stiles muttered, hand falling to his forehead. "Why him? Why is this happening?" Your lips were still left wide open, completely unsure of what to say as you watched Stiles's face slowly contort from confusion and bafflement to one of anger. Your eyes widened. "You little..." Stiles muttered, eyes stuck on Liam as he begun stomping forward.

"Okay, okay," you mumbled, blocking Stiles's path. He tried to side step you but your hands only fell on his hips, holding him back. "Nows not the time to be the typical protective older brother, Stiles. Okay? I'm old enough to have boyfriends."

"But he was on top of you," Stiles said, face contorting with disgust. "An-And kissing you..."

"Yes." You nodded, stepping back. "That's what boyfriends and girlfriends usually do."

"But Liam?"

"Look, I don't know if this is-" Liam started, moving to stand up.

"You," Stiles growled, "shut up."

"Okay, you know what Stiles?" You called, stepping in front of his path again and making his eyes fall on you. "I appreciate your concern, but there's nothing you can do, alright? Listen, i've been meaning to tell you this for a while so I might as well just say it now." Taking a deep breath, you glanced back at Liam briefly, meeting his eyes before turning back to Stiles.

"Liam and I have been dating for a few weeks now." Stiles's jaw slacked, "about two months. Since he got bit... and I really like him, okay? Really, really like him." You paused, letting out a shaky breath as you felt your cheeks warm slightly. "I think I may even love him, Stiles... So i'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier, but please, just..."

Stiles's hand fell on your shoulder, pulling you from your rambling. Glancing up at him, he softly smiled. "It's fine, Y/N." He nodded, stepping back in the direction of your door. Just before he left, he turned to Liam. "But if you hurt her, Dunbar, I will kick your ass. Badly. And get the hell out, because you're not staying here tonight."

You rolled your eyes but nonetheless said nothing. You were lucky Stiles was taking this as well as he was. You nodded at him, silently telling him to give you a minute as he shut the door.

The moment it was just you and Liam once again, you glanced down at your feet, unsure of what to say.

"You said it back..." Liam mumbled finally, causing you to spin around. Meeting his eyes, you flushed as he smiled. "I wasn't sure... it just slipped from my lips earlier... but you said it back. You-You love me?"

"I'm not gonna lie," you rubbed anxiously at the back of your neck. "You took me by surprise. But yeah... yeah, I love you too."

Before you knew it, Liam had crossed the short distance that once had separated the both of you, his hands falling on your cheeks as he pressed his lips against your own. You immediately leant in to the kiss, smiling against his lip.

"Liam!" Stiles yelled causing the both of you to pull apart.

Chuckling softly, you bit your lip. "You better go before Stiles has an actual stroke..."


"I'll see you tomorrow?"


By justauthoring

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